This is the site of the developers, and as such, this forum is one of the only avenues of communication we've been given. I think zero327 is RIGHT that something needs to be done on our behalf, but I think the Better Business Bureau is too weak an organization to respond to this huge problem. If a proper response doesn't appear from Obsidian, it might be time for something much stronger- such as a class action lawsuit on behalf of everyone who spent so much hard- earned money on their incomplete product. If they sold a game which will not run for most people, and have no intentions of fixing it, I call that fraud. If they truly don't care about their customers or product, its time to hit them in the only place they understand, the wallet. That's exactly where they got us. And that's unbelievable- how much money did Lucas give you guys to make this game? and you can't take the time or expense to put someone on the forums? Now I'm Really outraged. I for one will Never Trust Obsidian ever again on any product, and I urge you to do the same.
Maybe we should start an NTO campaign and website- Never Trust Obsidian