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Everything posted by OLSC

  1. I found a bug that can help with the hssiss exp glitch. You just have to save and reload your game and it adds about 100 force points to your bar.
  2. Found a bug for everyone to use here, though i'm not sure it works anywhere else Save the game and then load it and you'll have about 100 more force points in the cave.
  3. Ah, well, yes, that's annoying. Thanks
  4. I have it, doesn't seem to help in the sith cave
  5. It's taking me years to get a measly 100fp out of my 600
  6. i'll just have to boost my charisma bigtime huh So let me get this straight, each time i click on the body, Hssiss show up, right?
  7. The exp glitch i've read about (on these forums) was with the sick person on Nar Shadaa, wondering if there's another, faster one. The lightsaber duping is with Visas on the Ebon Hawk if i'm not mistaken, I think i read about it here, but i can't seem to find it now that i have Visas. Any help?
  8. I'm playing through as LS now after my first run as DS, and it's driving me crazy. I was at this spot with about 100k credits and a dancer that kept giving me more, whereas now i only have about 10k and i keep burning it on trying to be LS. I preffered Visas to Handmaiden, though on DS you never really get to talk to Handmaiden. DS dialogues are much funner, and much more cynical (fitting my personallity greatly). I keep missing them when I have to be nice and straightforward in the LS playthough. What do you enjoy more?
  9. She does, this sucks
  10. I got Force Crush as DS/Sith Assasin when Kreia left me at the Dantooine enclave and went off to Telos, the bitch. First time I played. By the way, It's unstoppable, and beat the hell out of Sion and Kreia (before her lightsaber trick). It isn't very good against a couple of opponents, but its the best against one. Makes the game too easy.
  11. Where can i find it? Is it even in the game? I've seen the holocron in the ex-headmaster-type-guy's chambers and know that it isn't what i'm looking for... Any ideas?
  12. Finished the first stages easily. Now I'm up to 5 vs. me. I've tried force push on one. She flew right out of the boundaries but came back in again, the cheater. Also used the Mandalorian Melee Shield and went crazy with health packs, nothing seems to help long enough to stop the crazy women from beating the hell out of me. If you have a technique for beating them, i'd love for you to share. Also, what do i even get out of beating them? I know it's not something i need since it's my second time through... (Didn't win the first time)
  13. It doesn't have to grow with you. The point of the crystal is that it represents you. Kreia just has to adjust it.
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