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Posts posted by cresentdark

  1. I think people are upset but not taking everything into account when it comes to the shipping process. To give a real life example the military took years to give me back my birth certificate because they had lost it I had gotten things mailed to me several years after they were sent. Was I mad sure but I got over it, has a game ever been late getting to me yes was I mad yes. People are forgetting these facts.


    1) Ports were closed due to union ect

    2) Money they already had money issues before the project and probably still not out the clear yet.

    3) Paradox is the ones who help with the distribution that will cost them money probably all they can afford

    4) Europe is not around the corner

    5) Air Mail is not cheap


    You can be upset all you want but to me I don't think they did anything wrong should they have handled it better sure I think most things should. Most companies including over seas plan short term never long term you can say people do but that's not reality. They probably planned the best they could is that a excuse sure should it be a good enough one sure is it good enough for someone no. Is this going to tarnish them no why because this happens to far often to tarnish them and not just them many products of many different things. I mean I seen things needed that were meant to save lives get shipped late when I was in the military if that can happen it will happen in this case should it happen no.


    Do I live in the US yes does what I say matter yes and no just saying I know you are upset not saying I know how upset people are because I am not you.

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  2. It may be that in Europe that they have to do things differently due to shipping issues or something else it's not typically the distributors fault when it comes to these things. Sometimes Europe gets things before we do. They probably wanted to send everything out at once it would be really hard to time it all out at once for everyone to get everything at the same time also to ship things in bulk takes a great deal of money so unless the Disks are made in Europe also than it will be really expensive to ship over seas the faster they ship it to you the more it costs type deal they may not have the funds for that.


    If disks are being made in Europe than it's up to those making the physical goods in Europe to get them out on time at the end of the day money is always the big concern. Depending on how broke they were or how bad of a state they were in 4 million and some change is great but for a decent size team who have families to feed the bills the cost of travel fee physical goods, ect and shipping fees.



    Sorry for the many errors just waking up going to go back to sleep for 10 minutes lol



    As silly as you're making it sound, it still balances out. Just as the little blacksmith shop interior is 1 area, so is the entire Skaen dungeon.


    And this is how the devs measured the IE games.


    I know they count the areas but it's just something I do lol I think when they eventually make the expansion it could be really close to BG2 depending on how big they make it. I know BG2 is a hard game to measure up to when it comes to scale that game still has the most areas I think other than some of the newer games but I think BG2 was full of content nothing felt to redundant to me.

  4. 1) How to have the fastest game time let a baby wolf kill you at the camp at the start of the game so like 5 minutes of play time :)

    2) Complete everything and read everything 100 hours give or take

    3) Do main quest with minor side quests 30 hours

    4) Goofing around it's over 9000!!!!!

    5) Trolling it's 10 hours

    6) Skipping dialogue acting like you did anything it's 15 hours for main quest only not counting 50 re loads due to deaths lol

    7) My estimated guess for me 100 hours

    8) Using money cheat 80 hours




    If legal issues are the reason we won't get certain tools, there is always certain "unofficial" ways of getting tools to the masses.

    Yes, by all means, let's continue the myth that devs are a-okay with piracy.



    [An incredibly well constructed and proved point. I wish I had the time to do so.]

    Such an incredible effort just to prove me wrong. 

    ... he proved you wrong. He gave you the proof you wanted. Holy ****.


    To say nothing of the fact that you guys hate publishers until you want them.



    Ignoring the fact that your first statement doesn't make any sense, it's not like there is NO reason to be very dissatisfied with publishers: The Sith Lords. does the name tell you anything?




    Money is a good reason to go to publishers.


    And my first statement, where I said nothing but "he gave you proof and you still ignore him" made no sense?


    Lol getting a kick out of this I think you are going about this all wrong they never said they would not allow mods they did say they would do everything within what they are able to do to give mooders the tools they can give them to make mods. They are not stopping people from making mods they even stated multiple times they like what they have seen some modders do or have done even for beta. Dark_Ansem

  6. Combat log does not really bother me as I don't pay attention to it to focused on the combat I typically memorize most of the effects or abilities so I know what to do when something happens. I have always done that since the older games and do the same in MMOs. Granted I think if you look at the combat log it means you are not paying attention to the fight from time to time I would look at the combat log because you get them moments like in BG2 walk into room die within seconds lol.


    I do like the stream they did although I think they are over powered for every stream can't get a good sense of how far they are in the game other than the fact they said they were midway through the game. So far I like most things that they have shown I can't think of any real complaints that I have other than the fixes that will come some time after the release of the game anyways.


    Well I guess I have a complaint when music is not going it feels to quiet in the game I think it would be nice to have more background noise from birds and what not or just play more music. I can't say to much on the NPCs yet but hopefully they are full of information does not have to be all of them. BG2 had many NPCs that were filler for the sake of being filler it was fine it made the game feel more alive other than most nobles are A$$E$ lol.

  7. Paladins are not really ever built for high DPS, they are meant to take hits and do a fair amount of damage but never a lot otherwise you would not need anyone else other than paladins. In BG2 one of the best 2 Handed swords was not gotten till you were a decent level anyways but even still they were no match for the wizards DPS as much as I don't like wizards I have top give them credit for DPS. Like my BG2 runs and all others I will probably run with Two paladins or a Paladin, Fighter, Druid, Rouge/Druid, Wizard and either another Fighter/Barbarian or Priest. Rouge do high DPS but I only ever have them because they are good at picking locks or finding traps but seeing as how this game allows you to do that with anyone I probably won't even use a rouge I like having crazy tank party's with high DPS.

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