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Posts posted by PhantomJedi

  1. I currently have a Intel® 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family and I am thinking about upgrading (if you had not figured that out already). Any suggestions for a new card that is better than this one and moderately priced; not looking to spend more than $250 at the max.

  2. The jumping in Oblivion is not realistic at all.  It's like you can jump ten feet into the air.  I personally think the K1 and K2 were fine without jumping.


    I don't know if I posted it on this forum or another but, if there were certian classes you could choose that would start the game off differently.


    Say you choose a republic soldier (who's appearence and attributes you can choose yourself), you may start the game in a space battle and progress from there.


    Maybe you could choose a Jedi class and start the game in a completely different part of the galaxy.


    If you did this, the game would have a much higher replay value.


    Bring into play the fates of Both Revan and the Exile as well are past party members.  Something like The Architect's signiture suggests.  That would be pretty cool.


    Some of the things I think they need to take our of the current games:

    Lost memory.  I am so sick of the whole "Who the hell am I?" thing.  For both games it was fine, but they can't bring it in a third time.

    They need to do away with the incredibly linear worlds.  I was so tired of not being able to explore around a little bit more.

    If you start as a Jedi, you START with a lightsaber.  No more having to look for all the parts you need.  It's just dumb.



    Incase you didn't know, the Jedi use this thing called "Force Jump" I know I know...crazy concept. But it's true.

    As far as your other ideas go, I like them.

    Starting with different introductions of the same story depending on ur class.

    Like using K1 for example....if you were a soldier/mercenary/blaster user class you would start on the ship with that blonde guy. If you were a Jedi you would have been with bastila from the start and instead of rescuing her from the outside you would have had to plan an escape from the inside.


    etc. etc.


    would be very cool.


    And yes, we deserve our lightsabers at the start.


    If they take only one idea from Oblivion...even if not the character creation...they MUST take the way Oblivion loads/lets u wander.


    The worlds are amazingly detailed and no restrictions. (except if u try to leave the country haha)


    and the loading screens are only through main doors/areas but the areas loadthemselves.....CRUCIAL...I say CRUCIAL


    The End.



    That would be rally cool, I like all ur ideas.


    I agree with Bandak Starkiller mainly because all of your ideas are sensible, logical, and are technically possible.




    Wow, I can remember the very first thread and now we are on 19. Alot can happen in a few months. The only things garanteed in life are taxes, death, and a kotor 3 thread (and also a "what are you listening to" thread).

  3. Everybody Knows -- LEONARD COHEN


    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

    Everybody knows that the war is over

    Everybody knows the good guys lost

    Everybody knows the fight was fixed

    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich

    That's how it goes

    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking

    Everybody knows that the captain lied

    Everybody got this broken feeling

    Like their father or their dog just died


    Everybody talking to their pockets

    Everybody wants a box of chocolates

    And a long stem rose

    Everybody knows


    Everybody knows that you love me baby

    Everybody knows that you really do

    Everybody knows that you've been faithful

    Ah give or take a night or two

    Everybody knows you've been discreet

    But there were so many people you just had to meet

    Without your clothes

    And everybody knows


    Everybody knows, everybody knows

    That's how it goes

    Everybody knows


    Everybody knows, everybody knows

    That's how it goes

    Everybody knows


    And everybody knows that it's now or never

    Everybody knows that it's me or you

    And everybody knows that you live forever

    Ah when you've done a line or two

    Everybody knows the deal is rotten

    Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton

    For your ribbons and bows

    And everybody knows


    And everybody knows that the Plague is coming

    Everybody knows that it's moving fast

    Everybody knows that the naked man and woman

    Are just a shining artifact of the past

    Everybody knows the scene is dead

    But there's gonna be a meter on your bed

    That will disclose

    What everybody knows


    And everybody knows that you're in trouble

    Everybody knows what you've been through

    From the bloody cross on top of Calvary

    To the beach of Malibu

    Everybody knows it's coming apart

    Take one last look at this Sacred Heart

    Before it blows

    And everybody knows


    Everybody knows, everybody knows

    That's how it goes

    Everybody knows


    Oh everybody knows, everybody knows

    That's how it goes

    Everybody knows


    Everybody knows

  4. National Geographic showed a tribe of hunters that ate roasted tarantulas.  First they twisted off the back (terminology?) and squeezed out the eggs into a banana leaf, roasted that and ate it (turned gooey cake from gooey slush).  Then they roasted the remainder, peeled it and ate it (including cracking open the legs to get the meat).  They said it's like crab.


    In the end, they used the fangs as wicked toothpicks.


    I think I say that episode too.

  5. First of all I see that not everyone follows my philosophy of: form and have your own opinions but don't try and force them on others and don't be critical of people that don't agree with you because in the grand scheme of things we may never know if some one is right or wrong.

    4.  If god punishes someone forever then he is being a petty tyrant.  Simple as that.  Like I said above there is no crime, anywhere, that deserves eternal punishment.  If god is going to be petty then I will gladly give him the finger and tell him to sit and spin.


    I say we push for a spiritual democracy.



    First off, Judaism didn't really have a predecessor.


    Zoroastrianism is considered by many historians to be the predecessor to Judaism because it was the first monotheistic religion that had a sense of good and evil.


    There is a lot of people stating "facts" but very little to back it up.  I still have not seen verses or anything to go along with a lot of what is being said...


    Not even facts but more along the lines of vauge staments. Plato and Aristotle might weep.



    At some point the verbal history and teachings of Christianity was set to paper by some religious person, but by that time the telling of the story became more grandoise.


    The God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is indeed the same entity.  God is not a stagnant creature that you make him out to be.  He learns and grows just like us.  After all we are a minor reflection of what he is.


    The Gospels were written by disciples and by Paul, all of who existed at Jesus's time, so you were wrong by saying nothing was written down for over 100 years. :wub:


    My point is, the gods of Islam and Christianity have very different natures. Some may not see it that way, but that is how I and many others see it. Also, as I said, this is only based on what I've read, which are secular and theological sources. And as I said, I too believed they were the same gods with the same nature, but my studies changed that opinion. If you view differently, fine.


    First of all I think you are talking about totally different things. One is talking about the four Gospels, or stories of the life and teachings of Christ, and the other is talking of the biblical stories. Plus it is a widely accepted fact by historians that for the most part we don't know who wrote most of the bible down. Also it is speculated that both Marys' had gospels that were suppressed along with others by the heads of the new christian church.


    I'll admit, unlike others in this thread, that I don't know everthing, I am not an expert in religion, and that everything I have stated is my own opinion and may not be right in others eyes.


    I'll leave you with this quote, for those of you who insist that you know God and his ways, and these four links.


    Einstein- "God does not play dice."

    Niels Bohr- "Einstein, stop telling God what to do with his dice."


    You should watch this movie, this movie, and this movie.


    And if anyone has any questions go here.

  6. spiders are pretty little creatures why do them harm.? They are prob hiding in underneath ur bed.

    Because they apparently tried to tie me up and steal my wallet last night. Plus, the wife hates them, and I don't really like being obliged to stay awake until she's asleep, dutifully holding a flashlight and a can of Raid.


    Your new email:



    Hmm, so your saying these spiders are puritan?

    Or Republican.


    If you would have tried with out the maid uniform and in the "standard" position the spider might leave you alone and let you have at it.



    You do realize that Raid will not kill spiders don't you?


    Not sure if about raid or Lysol but if you hit it with hair spray it will at least slow it down some what. Plus if you get a lighter you can make roasted spider. Yum. ;) And if it is true they move ten miles an hour that might be your best bet for killing it let alone seeing it.


    Note: I don't recommend the hair spray flame thrower because I have a friend that tried it once and we now call him stumpy.

  7. Not particularly one of my favorites but it gets stuck in my head a lot.

    Like Humans Do -- DAVID BYRNE


    For millions of years, In millions of homes

    A man loved a woman, A child it was born

    It learned how to hurt and it learned how to cry

    Like Humans Do

    I'm breathin in

    I'm breathin out

    So slip inside this funky house

    Dishes in the sink

    The TV's in repair

    Don't look at the floor

    Don't go up the stairs


    I'm achin

    I'm shakin

    I'm breakin

    Like Humans Do


    I work & I sleep & I dance & I'm dead

    I'm eatin, I'm laughin & I'm lovin myself

    We're eatin off plates & and we kiss with our tongue

    Like Humans Do


    I'm breathin in

    I'm breathin out

    So slip inside this funky house

    Dishes in the sink

    The TV's in repair

    Don't look at the floor

    Don't go up the stairs


    I'm achin

    I'm shakin

    I'm breakin

    Like Humans Do


    I'm breathin in

    I'm breathin out

    So slip Inside this funky house

    Wiggle while you work

    Anybody can

    The rain is pourin in on a woman & a man


    I'm achin

    I'm shakin

    I'm breakin

    Like Humans Do

    I'm breathin in

    I'm breathin out

  8. you could buy it...or just wait for nwn2  :p


    Two things wrong with that:

    A) I have a spending problem in the fact when I have money I try to spend it as quickly as possible.

    B) I am not that patient and want glorification now


    Wrong forum.  This belongs in the Computer and Console section.



    Don't really care.


    Finally! Somone brave enough to stand up to the Hello Kitty Bully!


    Two things wrong with this:

    A) Your afriad of him? :)

    B)Your afraid of someone online. :)

  9. Judge Hades:

    Also why the hell would you be invading the privacy of allies. They are allies, and there should be a level of trust. If you don't trust them then they are not allies.


    First of all you can never guarantee someones loyalty so it always a good idea to be prepared in case one day they decide they don't like you very much any more. You got to face the fact alliances change. Secondly, some of the United States allies fall under the category of "shady" because what they say their actions are going to be and what their actions actually turn out to be some times aren't the same thing. Plus some of our allies are allies simply so we can get them to do things for us that would other wise look bad if it got out we were doing it i.e. torture.

  10. In order of what I would try first if I felt it was really wrong:


    A. Extort the rich, high ranking government officials for my own gain.

    B. If not mysteriously killed do to plan A then I would go to the press with the story/ take the official hostage and make them confess on national television.

    C. What Would Jesus Do? Set all responsible parties on fire and send them to hell.

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