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About dack

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. none of the characters are fully naked...but as soon as i got visas in my party i went and talked to her..then i went and talked to kreia. Kreia told me what ever u do dont mate with her. Kreia was hinting that visas is dark and would lure me to it if i tried to mate with her.
  2. That puzzle had me laughing.... Sith Lords guard their tombs with 8th grade arithmetic! OH NOES! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ya it took me like 2 seconds to figure out...i was like 6 x 2..o plus -8 ya that works +9...hmm x or /...i think u use each symbol once so i chose divide..it worked for me i do think its just a glitch and sometimes u cant use both symbols.
  3. ya it has like a dust cloud and stars...like theres nothing there...no ships nothing jsut stars and like a dust cloud thingy...then it goes to the credits.
  4. Dark side ending: ya its pretty lame and leaves it so u know practically nothing...but u can ask about the future like i hear u can on LS.
  5. hmmm try this one (6*2)-8+9/1=13 that one worked for me and i got it first try.
  6. pfft thats dumb as the dark side one lol
  7. anyone able to help me out or do i have to go through another 30 hours of game play lol.
  8. hmmm its possible that its only with another character like i have visas with a power that i recieved on onderon and my main character doesnt have it.
  9. ok i beat the game today on dark side...not too impressed. I was wondering what the light side ending is cause i know i wont beat it before christmas and when christmas comes i will be playing other games no doubt. Thanks
  10. ok..i havent really talked to everyone...just visas..goto...and handmaiden..i will try talkin to kreia. Thanks
  11. yes
  12. ok...i have killed all of the jedi and i was wondering where do i go now? handmaiden says she wont give me codes to go to the enclave on talus, but i am still on nar shaddaa...should i go to talus then ask her? if not what do i need to do still. any help u can give me is appreciated.
  13. ok thanks alot...i will try alot of things no doubt lol
  14. lol its sooo simple i wanna scream really loud but my parents are sleeeeeeping lol....i will go try it out tomarrow and u will probably hear from me again after i am stuck again lol...jsut for tomarrow how do uget exchange to notice u more..i heard a guy in pazaak place will go around for 5 creds and tell everyone how u gonna join them..and i tried to bribe but that option wont come up..it did once but then it never came again and that time it did come i pushed i have to go.
  15. can u help me out just a bit more...where exactly is the bat dude....omg actually i think i just found out what ur talkin about. that little dude i told him to go away lol. hes near the guys that want u to bring out the person in the pazaak place right? if so thank u so much. sorry i am slow lol
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