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About OfficerDonNZ

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    New Zealand
  1. My pen name at ff.net is the same as my board name here
  2. True. But once in a while you actually find some pretty well writen fiction on there. But boy do you have to dig to find it.
  3. I'm afraid you might be right about the slash fic comment as I see far too much of it. Needless to say I don't read it. But you can't help but notice it. Then of course there's the Mary Sue.... something else you see with alarming regularity.
  4. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of replies/comments. You get that a lot in fanfic land. I've got some fic up at ff.net and while the hit count is pretty high the reviews aren't. That said I'm writing in a fairly niche area so I'm not expecting to get buried in reviews. And the reviews I do get tend to be from the same people on a regular basis. I'd DL'd this so will read it once I've betean AP
  5. For some reason I was under the imprission that AP was OE's IP and Sega were just publishing it. *shrug* Oh well.
  6. I've ran into a real nasty one. Went from the safe house in Moscow to the safe house in Tai Pei. Something really odd happens, I can't asscess Mikes invintory nor leave the safe or interact with anything. Its almost as if it dosen't load correctly from the DVD as I've tried quitting and loading from a manual save with no luck.
  7. I sat on the fence for a while when AP came out and the reviews were all over the place. I had been looking forward to AP but then I wasn't so sure about it, given Obsidian's two previous titles that are a bit of a mixed bag I was very cyinal. In the end I caved and bought a copy. And so far I've enjoyed myself playing AP though like KotOR II and NWN2 before it, it has it's share of faults that I'll learn to live with.
  8. LOL that's good That made me laugh. :D
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