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Everything posted by pmartyna

  1. I am really enjoying the game. I am just avoiding the keep to avoid the crashes. The thing that I don't understand is that there hasn't been a single response from them, on this, their forum board. Even to say "We're working on it". Anything would be better than the deafening silence. Even an automated "We've received your bug report and all the attendant files we asked you to provide thank you very much..." Maybe they are all still hungover from the launch party...
  2. I am having a similar problem. First visit to R's keep I got my rear handed to me so I went exploring for a while and came back leveled, lean and mean. Walked in through the front door and took out everyone in the courtyard. went to open the front door and crashed to black screen. Did a full reboot and tried again. same thing. went up on to the ramparts and in that way and went to the entrance to the chapel. same again. Have tried from quicksave and autosave. Files are at: https://app.box.com/s/fh0h42f0ubrnxpg4qz51f6rbmahb0ets Really enjoying the game. Ho[pe this one can be fixed. Cheers
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