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Everything posted by rhombic

  1. I did get a response from tech support on this, it was "go back to an earlier saved game". The issue was that after killing the mercs in the cave, Vrook didn't come out of his force cage, and therefore hadn't talked to me, and so wasn't around to fight the mercs during their attack on Koonda. Just really, really sloppy sanity checking at various points. I applaud obsidian for making an ambitious game, but you HAVE to have sanity checks in there to make sure that a simple action doesn't squash the plotline.
  2. You're not alone, I'm in EXACTLY the same situation, with exactly the same results. Wish I had any idea on how to fix it.
  3. I'm running off of a three-month old x-box, never modded, purchased from Best Buy and used (off and on) w/ Halo2 on live-- it's definitly not modded, or MS would have kicked my account. I'm running a disc purchased (at full retail price, BTW), also at Best Buy last week. No scratches on the disc, nothing wrong w/ the x-box, and after the merc attack on Dantooine the game loads to the infamous black screen. Very, very annoying. I would have been more than happy to wait until February or March to get a game that worked, and didn't die seventeen hours in.
  4. Same exact problem, unmodded x-box three months old, game purchased at best buy.
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