The story unravels into a steaming pile of **** covered ****!!! First off, i loved the first KotOR. Best game ever. However, this sequel was amazingly devoid of any sort of rational ending. Many questions arise throughout your journey that are left unanswered. Did i miss something?? I'm pretty sure i was paying attention as the storyline played itself out but then BAM! Sudden plot twist! and the entire story i'd been digesting for the past 42 hours just disintegrated like sand through my fingers. This plot twist wasn't like the last game where you could recall past conversations with Bastilla or the Jedi Masters and think "wow that makes a lot of sense!" That twist was perfect. It surprised you AND you embraced it. It worked to pull the plot together, leaving you with a good handle on the story as a whole. The twist in KotOR II does exactly the opposite. It doesn't pull the story together, it breaks the story apart and leaves you confused and frustrated at having scurried around the galaxy for the past 42 hours just to stumble upon the realization and ultimate conclusion that you know nothing. But hey, thats just my opinion.