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About kcgamester

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  1. My force powers never re-generate in the Korriban cave while doing this infinite xp exploit. Only my life bar re-generates.
  2. Here is the solution. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=26529
  3. I have the solution for this problem. I discovered that Master Vrook never left his cage in the crystal cave after I defeated the mercinaries that had captured him. This means that he never left the crystal cave and that causes the game to freeze because Master Vrook is a vital character in the game and with him locked in that cage, the game will not progress correctly and this causes the "Dantooine Black Screen" So what I did was load a pervious saved game before the crystal cave incident and this time after I defeated the mercinaries that had Vrook caged up, Vrook escapes and the game goes to a cut scene with Vrook thanking you and so on. This never happned the first time I played this particular scene, he just stayed in the cage, and doing it over again seems to have fixed it.
  4. I have the exact same problem. BTW, I have a legitimate Xbox system, never been modded.
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