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About stoicraven

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. unfortunately this bug has been reported several times and they have yet to fix the problem it's disheartening. I can run through Peragus fine until I get down below then it all goes to crap.....literally
  2. I've also discovered recently that my computer is dying a slow death. It's 4 years old, the hdd is slow, the cd-rom's no longer auto load..........I just want to punch it but alas i'll get something "newer" eventually. Figures that as soon as this thing gets paid off it starts to die..........
  3. ARGH I HATE THAT.........I get it way to much but my issue is vid card related not game related
  4. It's easy to stop givin xp once you reach a certain limit i'm just not sure why it's not in KOTOR like it has been in so many other RPG's, Final Fantasy, Xenogears, etc etc
  5. the best saber wielders in the Star Wars universe where long LONG before KOTOR at least that's what they keep telling us
  6. it'd be nice if animal spawns regenerated, i'd love being able to gain xp and being able to hunt and what not just to see what items generate etc etc.
  7. it doesn't flicker it just can't for some reason or another keep up with movement. So it's play for 10mins move here, there, talk etc then save ane exit........so much........well no it's not fun it just sucks
  8. I'd not be upset if a thermal detonator was shoved inside him and it went off
  9. Was he ever a true master or was he just self declared?
  10. Handmaiden is a PUSHOVER...T3 could beat her
  11. i can get a nVidia 4000 for like $50 and that'll suffice until i get a new tower
  12. this comp is old i'm not going to invest much into a new vid board and it's a PCI only no AGP . Probably just gonna score an nVidia 4000 found one for cheap cheap.
  13. I'm as current as can be, i just think it's my video card. It's not true 256bit it's overclocked to 256 or some crap like that
  14. Everything is set to the lowest possible, everything
  15. My system lags incredibly bad during game play and only allows me to play for very short burst during, it's irritating i have 6 hours worth of save on peragus alone. My system read out is as follows. Celeron 2ghz (old system ****ty chip but w'e) 1gb of RAM Raedon 9250 (over clocked to 256) 40gb harddrive i'm sure the buffer is slow I've run the system config test, i've got Catalyst 6.6 but I can't seem to get anything set right for the game to run smooth. Maybe the game doesn't support my card in fact i'm sure it doesn't it reads the card as Error 256mb or some crap like that but even at the lowest settings I can't seem to get anything to work right. it's slow, choppy, and annoying.
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