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Everything posted by StuartBoyer

  1. Didnt know she was a teen, just up her age.
  2. First time I have posted anything since KotoR 2 but if it is delayed till next year they better add Sis as a Romance option. To me she's a better choice than the Russian Merc.
  3. Yeah I hope they did incorporate that, I got mad when I saw the news of people pirating Halo 2 and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas before they were released, look how much time the developers put in games Fable was 4-5 years if ya wanna count the time they started on it before xbox was even out. Companies need to do that. Good news is the Feds raided gamestores in three state and arested employees awhile ago for selling modded Xbox systems with games on there harddrive I am glad they did it and hope no one gets ideas or doing that with this or any other game.
  4. Never had a problem with this or Kotor I but I do know glitches exist as so many complain about them in both games ( well I guess you can count one glitch, in kotor I the Darth Bandon sabaer glitch I discovered after the game just came out and now everyone plagerizes my post off the Bioware forum and put it in there Faqs, stupid thiefs, I still cant after all this time get a single bioware employee to confirm if it was a left out game element or glitch even though they used to visit the forums every days back then and answered all my post but that one I just hope the game developers here are more helpfull and respond more to our questions in these forums). I guess it comes down to how you play if youll experience them, like the glitches with certain characters on the Leviathan on Kotor 1 which I luckily missed. Then agian I rented Kotor II so I am not far in the game as I want to wait to finish it till I get to open the copy my brother got me for christmas, I hate waiting I should give him the game back and just buy it myself and finish it now. Only probs with Kotor II I have had are framerate at times.
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