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Posts posted by Namyra

  1. Personally never had a problem with Edér and Pallegina, I had 2 copies of each show up in my collection right after I linked my Steam and mobile accounts.


    As for the dice... until last night, nothing had happened, but today, after closing and re-opening the app a few times (and giving it a few minutes in between, no clue if that factors into things), 18 each of all 6 legendary dice have shown up for me. Not sure why 18 (how can I ever possibly use more than 6 at a time?) but hey, that's fine.

  2. To your point about the changes, we should have a blog post coming out next week that goes over some of the features/changes.


    The roll success chance was something I requested a few months ago. After watching new users play the game (physical and digital) one thing that became apparent was that many people drastically overestimated their chances of success. Hopefully this bit of UI will help new players understand when they need additional help to succeed on a roll.


    For users that would rather not see the UI, it can be turned off from the options menu.


    Glad to see the mills turn, if slowly. I suggested this feature pretty much right after the game came out. Cool to see it's finally coming!


    Will be great for everyone to curse Lem all the more when they realise he just failed a 97.2% roll! ;P

  3. I think Here Comes the Flood is one of the worst scenarios in the game in the first place.


    I like the basic idea, that it works quite differently from the standard scenario format, that you're rushing around trying to save as many people as you can manage. But the execution makes it incredibly random, which is frustrating more often than not, as you frequently feel like there was nothing you could've done any better and you still lost.


    Increasing the Black Magga chomp to 1d6 only exacerbates that in my opinion.


    So I agree, a different Heroic power like making allies harder to acquire would feel a little less frustrating (but nothing's going to make this scenario not frustrating, even on Normal, if you ask me).

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  4. I agree, this card is a trap. It generally costs you two cards for a slightly better combat check than most other melee weapons, which cost you zero cards. Keep in mind you not only have to discard a card to use it at all, you also take 1 unpreventable damage afterwards. And 1d8+3 isn't that much better than, say, a Longsword +2 at 1d8+2. The discard effect for another 1d8+3 is pretty strong, but three cards (unless the card you discarded to use the Vicious Trident and the trident itself were your last two cards) for 2d8+6 are still a steep cost.

  5. I still think the scenario power would work much more fairly if it only triggered on non-summoned henchmen. That's still quite a lot of damage potentially.


    It's also inconsistent with 3-1. In 3-1, Mammy Graul's difficulty only increases by 2 for each non-summoned henchman defeated (even though it doesn't say "non-summoned"), while in 3-5, the scenario power triggers on summoned henchmen as well.


    I think the way 3-5 works right now mostly makes it more random... if you get lucky and don't pull any horde barriers you're gonna have a much easier time than if you do. And I, personally, much prefer a little less random, a little more stable gameplay. And I think it would still be one of the toughest Heroic scenario powers so far.


    If it is intended to be the way it is now, then at least there needs to be more clarity when summoned henchmen trigger the power and when they do not. I.e. in that case, the scenario power in 3-1 should be rewritten to say "non-summoned henchmen", since that's how it currently works.

  6. I don't think it's a scaling issue, I think it's an issue that the image layers are in the wrong order. The image border and text field should be in front of the card illustration, but it's the other way round.


    It appears to be a rare glitch and not specifically tied to Lamatar Bayden anyways, I didn't run into it again on my Heroic playthrough, he displayed fine then.

  7. At least if there is no choice as to target, yes. Cure, Staff of Minor Healing, Scrying, the 1d4+1 healing of Major Cure, etc. still work fine off turn. It appears that only cards that affect just "you" rather than giving you a choice (even if there's no actual choice, like a Cure when you're alone) will use the active character as "you" rather than the character who plays them.

  8. The Heroic scenario power for 3-5 Into the Mountains is pretty brutal as is (1d4 Force damage to the entire party every time you defeat a henchman), but it just occurred to me... is it intentional that this will trigger on, say, a Skeleton Horde?


    On a party of 4, all standing at open locations, provided they manage to defeat all Ancient Skeletons (somewhat dubious considering all the damage flying around before some characters even get to defeat theirs), that would be 4d4 Force damage to the entire party. Pretty much gonna wipe out everyone's hands entirely every time you pull a horde barrier like that.


    Was just wondering if that's intentional or if maybe the scenario power should only trigger on defeating non-summoned henchmen.

  9. In 3-5 Into the Mountains on Heroic with the Painful Memories wildcard, there seems to be something seriously wonky.


    Twice after defeating a Hook Mountain Hag, I was asked to bury a card for no reason I could discern, as if I had acquired a blessing, spell, or item and triggering Painful Memories.


    Then I acquired a Blessing of Iomedae with Ezren at the Shimmerglens, and in addition to triggering Painful Memories, the scenario power triggered as well, dealing 1d4 Force damage to all 3 of my characters (Kyra, Harsk, Ezren), as if I had just defeated a henchmen when I absolutely didn't.


    Both the wildcard and scenario power then triggered again after:

    • Acquiring Stride with Ezren at the Shimmerglens
    • Defeating Lunderbud with Ezren at the Desecrated Vault
    • Defeating a Skinsaw Cultist summoned by Skinsaw Ritual with Kyra at the Shrine to Lamashtu
    • Acquiring a Blessing of Iomedae with Harsk at the Shrine to Lamashtu

    At that point, Harsk finally succumbed to his wounds and I forfeited. They were certainly not playing fair. Looks like whenever a henchman is defeated or a blessing, spell, or item is acquired, both the wildcard and the scenario power trigger, when only one should be the case.

  10. iPad 4


    It's not urgent, no, but I still feel it's worth reporting. The devs can put it on their list and assign it a low priority, and maybe it's super easy to fix, and maybe it isn't and they won't bother for now or ever. Either way, that's up to them. I'm just trying to help make this great app even better by reporting bugs, no matter how little. I don't expect them to fix the small inconsequential glitches anytime soon, but maybe they want to later when all the major bugs are ironed out.

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