Ok well i am having a huge problem with KOTOR II TSL!
I have tried 2 ways on this and both seem to do the samething-
Darkside- I first tried this because i am DS- i do all the side quests up to the part where you either have to help them out on the attack or not so i dont i team up with the bad guys do all of the things i need to do and get to the Master Vrook fight. I fight him till he is 1/2 health screen goes black and i can not do anything. I did try pressing my buttons and can hear fighting, force being used and then it comes back sometimes but i can not talk to Vrook or my team members. Its strange because the DS path my 2 team members were in the same spot where i was fighting Vrook.
Lightside- So i decided to try Lightside path helped with the defenses ect. got to the part with Master Vrook this time its a milita guy in there and not my team members and it does the same exact thing?.
What can i do this is very frustrating and is a pain in the butt!. I also have not been able to use a workbench all game? only lab staions work?.
Do i have to go back to a earlier save and just skip the whole attack and Vrook fight? i really don't want to but i cant move on in the story at all?.