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Everything posted by Hitman73

  1. I also have this problem none of them work for me just lab stations do. Is there anyway to contact Obsidian directly about some of these glitches?. Did they even test the dam game i am seeing glitch topics everywhere i mean KOTOR I was never this bad and you could do things to get around them also. I also have a first released xbox with the thompson drive if that matters.
  2. Ok well i am having a huge problem with KOTOR II TSL! I have tried 2 ways on this and both seem to do the samething- Darkside- I first tried this because i am DS- i do all the side quests up to the part where you either have to help them out on the attack or not so i dont i team up with the bad guys do all of the things i need to do and get to the Master Vrook fight. I fight him till he is 1/2 health screen goes black and i can not do anything. I did try pressing my buttons and can hear fighting, force being used and then it comes back sometimes but i can not talk to Vrook or my team members. Its strange because the DS path my 2 team members were in the same spot where i was fighting Vrook. Lightside- So i decided to try Lightside path helped with the defenses ect. got to the part with Master Vrook this time its a milita guy in there and not my team members and it does the same exact thing?. What can i do this is very frustrating and is a pain in the butt!. I also have not been able to use a workbench all game? only lab staions work?. Do i have to go back to a earlier save and just skip the whole attack and Vrook fight? i really don't want to but i cant move on in the story at all?.
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