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Blog Comments posted by Janmanden

  1. There are lots of great ideas in this blog.


    One of the things I've always missed in Fallout was the chance to play as a mutant, but unfortunately being dipped in the FEV vats was part of a death screen.. I imagine what it would be like to be that mutant.. How would it affect me, what would my choices be, would my past life have a side-effect, would I even be able to remmeber.. Would I join the masters army or wander off into the wasteland and if I did, then what?


    In most games you are always the 'hero' or 'saviour', there is always a bigger evil making your attempts of being evil too a bit silly somehow, but what if you were the evil monster. A lonely and scared scary monster.. Maybe you know that you are the monster or you are just realizing it slowly by the scared responses..


    Being a big and scary monster would probably limit your choices quite a bit as to the ways you can play, but if you were something like a doppelganger or a 'body snatcher' you'd have to blend in, study and impersonate your victims.. You'd get around a lot of different dialogue and challenges during your impersonation.. I wonder would a doppelganger inherit any of the features of the victim.. Would probably be a bit difficult to make friends if you switch character too often.. Should you fess up or keep pretending? What about romance, would that be possible.. Maybe it would be a trick to get close enough to switch, but what if you got involved and had to make a hard choice..


    Maybe you don't have to kill anyone or maybe you do.

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