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About drake1713

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Fixed by deleting my party from the start screen, then reforming it and redoing the scenario. Obsidian did contact me to try and fix it. Thanks to them for their prompt response!
  2. Still ineffective. I will try contacting obsidian support.
  3. I can't even pull up the main menu. I keep clicking on the tab but it doesn't come up. PFID-39A66EFE0F1BA86C
  4. I'm stuck in the Desecrated Vault, Act 3-5. I cleared the vault, and activated the closing Ability where you can recharge an item from discard. The item selection screen has popped up, I have only 1 item, an Orb of Storms. However clicking on it zooms it in, but there's no way to drag it to the deck or select it. There's no box to close the window or back out of the choice either. Running it on Steam. I tried pulling it up on my android phone with similar results. PFID-39A66EFE0F1BA86C I cannot progress the scenario, cannot back out, cannot even forfeit because I cannot pull up the menu. Thanks for the help!
  5. I'm having the exact same problem. I haven't figured out a workaround either.
  6. Bump this please. This needs to get fixed! My poor Cipher is useless!
  7. Whenever a Cipher equips an item with Unconquerable, such as the Drinking Horn of Moderation, her soul lash turns off and does not turn back on under any circumstances. This means the cipher no longer gains any focus during battles. Also, the Cipher's intellect keeps rising as well. Unclear as to why.
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