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Everything posted by Bubblegum

  1. Hi! I had a similar problem, not in the same location as you but the game would seem to freeze in one of those cut sceenish things but apparently continue on in the background, i.e. the sound and game would seem to progress behind the frozen screen. I have an Intel i7 7700k. It was mentioned in another thread to turn off Hyperthreading in the BIOS which I did and I've not had another one of those crashes since. If you have an i7 maybe try that. I should maybe point out that I did this around the same time that the latest patch (v2.0.1.0044) was released so maybe it was something to do with that though.
  2. Addendum! OK! Just removed IE mod and restarted, now everything is back to normal, so maybe it was IE Mod or maybe I just needed to restart : )
  3. I've just started act III (just went down the pit) and now nothing attacks me, they just stand about while I hack away at them with just melee and ranged weapons.
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