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About cosmitz

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Your order was shipped via Royal Mail International Standard, and is estimated to arrive June 10, 2015 - June 12, 2015. Yeah. About that. And about my half-cut off mailing address.
  2. Good news, got a mail that it shipped. Bad news... THEY CUT OFF MORE THAN HALF MY ADRESS. Literally, the address right now could refer to any of 4 apartment blocks!! I just hope the mailman knows me by name, otherwise Paradox will be receiving the box back.
  3. Nothing yet either. I mean, i knew it'd take awhile but...
  4. April 24. Still 'Shipping Soon'. It's not a regional thing, as i've seen other people in my country receiving the packages up to two weeks ago.
  5. 20th april, no email from Paradox, Shipping Soon. Romania. Non-CE. I'm fine eventually getting it but i do feel like this could have been handled a bit better.
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