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About Regis

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  1. Is it after patch? Before patch they were valued at ~600 (horn) to ~1500 (figurines). If yes - damn, that's a difference. Still, you can find at least two figurines (scarab and spiders) quite early in the game.
  2. Soo... I bought PoE, I played aaaand... It's OK (MacBook Pro 13", non-retina, i7 2.9 GHz, 8 GB RAM, SSD, Intel HD 4000). It's not super smooth, but it's "quite smooth" for 99% of the time. Basically it works and I can play without frustration (I'm actually quite happy, it works a bit better than I expected). Not sure how it will work with e.g. magic battles or more enemies, but so far so good.
  3. Thanks for the replies, guys. Abel: I still think that any non-integrated GPU released in last 5 years will outperform 95% of the integrated GPUs released in similar time period. Also, the GPU model you mentioned seems to be about twice as powerful as HD 4000 in tests, from what I can see ( Pegazus: Thanks a million for checking that! Althernai: Good point on the 330M - it looks like it's really similar to HD 4000, so I think I'll just keep my fingers crossed ;-) I don't expect playing on full details in Full HD - average resolution and average-to-low details are good enough for me if I can get stable 30 FPS from them. Of course other comments are still appreciated!
  4. Hey guys, I hope it's good subforum to ask this question. Apologies if it's not. I have a question regarding minimal requirements for the graphics: I remember when I was checking this information literally 3-4 days ago the requirements for graphics for Mac were described as: so I added PoE to my GoG shopping cart (didn't buy it yet, fortunately?). However, when I checked it again today when I wanted to actually buy it, that's what I saw: which, from what I can see, both are "a bit" more powerful than HD 4000. I verified that information in Obsidian shop - it says the same I checked that game authors were explicitly saying some time ago that this game will be working on integrated graphics - they mentioned that in their emails to Kickstarter backers (e.g. see http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=491414&highlight=obsidian&page=65 - "We are really going to work to get the integrated graphics chips to run the game well - and not just on the lowest setting") - isn't that the case anymore? Is there anyone here who had a chance to play beta using integrated graphics? How did that work for you? Or anyone that can tell that HD 4000 isn't far enough from the two mentioned GPUs to worry about it (while I think it is)? The only information I found so far about it is a single guy's short comment on that (see http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70291-frame-rate-discussion/?hl=%2Bintel+%2B4000&do=findComment&comment=1566363 ): "(...) but the performance is definitely worse on my Intel HD4000 computer, though, as I said, it's still playable" in response to one of the PoE's dev saying "We haven't done any performance optimizations yet. Today, Roby is looking into optimizing factions that might help in larger areas with lots of baddies/people.". I was really looking forward to playing PoE on my Macbook (it's i7 2.9GHz, 8 GB RAM, SSD, but only HD 4000 inside... I'm not a gamer anymore, but I miss Baldur's Gate and other Infinity Engine RPGs a lot ;-) ), but now I wonder if I'll be able to play at all... So, should I buy it or should I just forget about it?
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