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hank morgan

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About hank morgan

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Following on from this I restarted the game and resumed the save. The skeletons were gone and I could proceed into the eastern dungeon. When I cast the summon again 6 skeletons appeared and then the game crashed. Path of iron so I'm afraid I have no save game to share.
  2. Description: 3 Skeletons summoned by my PC chanter did not vanish after the first combat with the beetles. (it was my first time using the ability so I assume they are supposed to vanish after combat) They persisted through three or four fights until 2 of them were hit by the combat freeze bug. After all that I could not travel between maps. Comments I'm seeing the following lines in the output_log CRE_Skeletal_Fighter_Summon(Clone) doesn't have a CompanionInstanceID. This is okay for pets, not named companions! I don't think I did anything special to cause this. It was a fresh game. Path of Iron so there was no saving and loading. I had visited all the buidlings in the village and had completed cat&mouse. I was however using a custom chant on the chanter. I think it was the speed buff, fire buff and stamina drain. output_log2.zip
  3. Another thing I've noticed. After I hit space to unpause and get back to the map I see a bunch of autopaused. Character Death boar companion events along with a Necrotic lance deals 13 damage to boar companion.
  4. Here are the save games I had of the issue if you want to take a look. Just before the fight and right after the fight where the bug occurs.
  5. Just went back and checked. The Cat and Mouse quest is still active in my journal. For the fight I had the standard BB party plus a custom chanter from the Inn who I had recruited only just before the fight. There was a large number of companion boars in the fight as well. BB fighter was unresponsive during the fight. Previous to the fight I had an issue where BB wizard would randomly lose his armour in between map transitions. Each time combat was initiated through dialog after both a failed attempt to lie to him and by admiting I was tried to help Nyfre escape. Off the top of my head I used the following abilities in the fight. Fireball, escape, Antipathetic field, phantom foes, repulsing seal, interdiction, holy radiance, jolting touch, necrotic lance, fan of flames and what ever abilites a first level hired chanter has.
  6. Hi, This appears to be a repeatable bug. It's happened to me twice with my Cipher. Description Basically anytime after defeating Medreth and his crew at Dyrford I cannot return to the village after visiting any other location including buildings within Dyrford. I just get a never ending black load screen.Hitting esc on that load screen allows assess to the menu. Reloading the savegame will load the map but does not resolve the map loading bug. Visiting other maps appears to work okay. To Reproduce. Kill Medreth and co. Visit another location and then return to the village. Files I have before and after save files for the fight but I'm unable to attach them due to forum file size restrictions but please find attached my output_log.txt Edit: After reading another thread it appears pressing space to unpause allows me to continue on. output_log.zip
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