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About Elfwine

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Also received my "physical copy" a few days ago. To say I was disappointed, is to say nothing at all. I have backed physical tier on FIG solely on assumption, that the box will be at least as good, as was delivered with the first game (which was completely acceptable for me: beautiful box, classic manual, disc). But this time I received a plastic card with game code and small paper insert with generic "thank you", all in a pretty standard dvd-box. I don't care how it happened, but this is not what I wanted, I don't need it, and no one warned me about it when I paid the shipping cost (I wouldn't pay 25$ (!) for shipping, if I knew what exactly I was paying for). I was postponing my playthrough till I'll have my game box, and now that I have it, I don't even know if I want to play the game. Thanks, Obsidian, no more crowdfunding for you.
  2. The same, but there is a lot of work, so no choice... Now for the good news, tomorrow I have a legit by-the-book holiday
  3. i read it - overall just praises, but also said that companions not as good as in Planescape. well...Planescape is Planescape or.. Planescape is will be ToN
  4. My Russian is terrible, but here's the score: 10 Perfect Anyone can promise to make a new classic. Obsidian has delivered on their promise. + Meticulous recreation of the athmosphere and gameplay of the Infinity Engine games + Multiple improvements to the classic mechanics + Non-linear quests + Beautiful texts, graphics and music No need for modesty, you've got it exactly right
  5. As legit as it gets It's a good review, actually! YAY!
  6. +1 here. Got my key, preloaded, now just waiting to start playing greatest CRPG of last decade. No pressure
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