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About Duque

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  1. The icon on the map is locked. when I tap on it I only see the button that leads me to the store.
  2. I'm playing on iPad4 and bought recently the dlc but for some reason is not unlocked for me. At first I thought it was an issue with the purchase but when I tried to buy again I got a message saying the content is purchased and will be added automatically but it never does and a few days already have passed. Tried reinstalling the game as well but didn't work. I'm connected through Game Center. ID: Duque \o/ #6328 PFID - 8A63F61019100694 Any help is appreciated.
  3. Probably. I think the most recent Pathfinder apps were built with Unity 5.4.3f1. Any patch release or major release newer should have the audio fix. If you're wondering "Well, why haven't the devs upgraded their Unity?" the answer is mostly: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Unity generally recommends caution when updating your setup because the little changes here and there might bug out an app and require some testing to verify things are still ok. But unfortunately is kinda "broken" for iPad 4 users, some at least. It's not a game-breaking bug that's true but is one that, at least for me, prevents me to spend more money in the game. Surely I'm a nobody in the eyes of the devs but if this problem is affecting more people (with the root of the bug being well known apparently) and they still do nothing after all this time... I think is very detrimental and, frankly, unprofessional. I still have hope tough because I love this game.
  4. Good find. Shouldn't this bug be mentioned in Known Issues topic then? I bet it's important for iPad 4 users. Hopefully is fixed soon.
  5. Other people having this bug as well: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89823-music-not-working/ They are using IOS10 and IPad 4 as well. Hopefully Obsidian can squash this bug without problems because the music is very good.
  6. We have had one other person mention this issue. Very odd. We'll dig in and see if we can figure out what is going on. So any news? After 2 updates the bug still persists unfortunately.
  7. Took a break from the game around July and came back recently. The first thing I noticed is the lack of music in the game. All the effects sounds are ok. Tried with the music slider in settings and reinstalling the game as well but didn't work. Maybe it's a bug with IOS10 (iPad 4)? Any help is appreciated.
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