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About karemas

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. I was using sparkcrackers to pull them past - still no joy. It started happening when I went to Hasongo and I was level 16 with a stealth of 20 (but I tried lowering my stealth to 1 and still the same) - but I only had done a few combats before then such as the Adra Tower - which I used the trap/sparkcrackers technique to start combat. Really puzzling.
  2. So after trying everything from stripping down to removing all effects I have come to the conclusion it's bugged - so I am just going to trigger Combat via the console when the enemies go into the traps Bit of a faff but at least I can continue to play.
  3. I thought it might be Irwena's buff for I removed that and it was still happening.
  4. It was in three locations that I tried all in the same playthrough. 1. Hasongo - where the Sea(?) Troll and Lizard guys were milling in the water. If you don't fight them you have to go inside and swim through a tunnel 2. Beina Bounty - island south of Hasongo 3. Dhwrgas Bounty Used all types of different traps - all did damage - chain lightning one, fire one etc It's super annoying as you can imagine as my build is built around solo potd pre buffing.
  5. Yes - enemies are triggering the traps while I am in stealthed/hidden. At the start of the game that would trigger combat and then I could sneak off and buff etc. Now though the enemies are walking into the traps - they take damage etc in the log - but it doesn't start combat. They just go back to their positions and chill out.
  6. Hey guys, So I have been running (stealthing) through the game and I'm now level 16 so have access to BDD, SoT and Brilliant (via cloak). But I am having problems starting combat. Earlier in my playthrough I was able to trigger combat using traps but this no longer seems to work. I've also tried triggering combat and then use shadowing beyond so I could Wall of Fire myself for brilliant etc but then combat ends. Not sure what's going on? Any ideas?
  7. Thanks for the responses guys. So it seems like multiclass is the way to go. I feel like BM/Priest is what I would go for - is the loss of high level spells noteworthy compared to pure BM? What starting stats would you choose for that combo?
  8. Hey guys, So I have been trawling the interwebs for the last couple of days trying to find enough information for me to feel comfortable trying a solo POTD upscaled run with the potential to take out the Megabosses as well. I always like to have a general idea of what spells/skills/stats I am aiming for as it enhances the experience for me - especially when I have already completed the game when it first came out. After reading several posts and watching lots of videos I have limited my choices to the following: - Bloodmage - Bloodmage / tactician - Bloodmage / priest of skaen I have a few questions though and was wondering whether you wonderful people would oblige me in answering them Firstly I like playing a caster - call me ol'fashioned but I'm all about the magic missile - I'm more Raistlin than Gandalf. So does bloodmage / tactician play like a traditional fighter mage from bg2 - i.e. buff, buff and more buff and kill with sword? Also same deal with BM / priest of skaen? Is that all about the buffs? Secondly I keep reading might is way and then for BM might is dump stat? Which is it? What would be the preferred stats for pure BM? I will have access to the +2 stats on start. Thirdly - I have looked through the build sticky, trawled reddit and looked through about 30pages of this forum back until 2018 and I cannot find a BM guide - just for simple spells/stats etc for 5.0 or even 4.0 for that matter? Fourthly - I prefer to play the game - not stealth for 15 levels - I totally understand the need in a trial of iron/honour mode but I am not aiming for the Ultimate - I just want to kill everything and enjoy phat loots. So if any of the above class combos require that - please let me know! Cheers
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