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Mr. GOH!

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About Mr. GOH!

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  1. Not even just some people; a lot of people talk like that. The characters in Wolf of Wall Street were supposed to be terrible people no sane person would want to spend time with and the constant swearing (and sexism and generalized blithe psychopathy) was perfectly in keeping with that portrayal. I doubt that PoE will have anything like the amount of swearing as Wolf of Wall Street, but I imagine there may be a few characters who swear a lot. I imagine you could avoid them if swear words really bother you, but perhaps, as in life, there will be people you don;t like dealing with in PoE that you will nonetheless have to deal with.
  2. Is it really lazy writing to have characters swear all the time if the swearing is true to the character? I think of TV crime dramas that portray big-city detectives and gangsters who manage to never swear even though their real-life counterparts swear all the time. To me, that's just as immersion-breaking as writing that has every character swear all the time regardless of whether it's in-character. I trust Obsidian to write consistent characters, so I imagine that swearing may be widespread in some areas and quests and not in others. You won't encounter a lot of swearing among the priests at a temple or the the nobles at a royal court, but there might be a lot of swearing when you deal with hardened warriors, the slums, and the like. It's beyond me why anyone would consider swear words coming from a sailor immersion breaking.
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