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Alaric NightStalker

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About Alaric NightStalker

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. YES! This is exactly what I was looking for and I cant believe I forgot about steams workshop folder! *facepalm* Its been a while since ive modded, ha ha@me and thank you again!
  2. I do not know if the answer to this is somewhere else but I have looked for it for hours and have had no luck on google, steam forums or here. Where are the mods placed when downloaded from Steam? What is the default folder? They are not placed inside an "override" folder and I have checked about a half dozen other places and I can not find the 24+ mods I have downloaded from steam. Thank you in advance for any help.
  3. Personally I always start as a Counselor. With their added force bonuses to resist their powers, and all their many force powers, I crush anything I fought with. (note: sion got spanked at the end and so did kreia, they were far too easy for me, ) Which would mean I'd like the Lords' prestiges, even though I have yet to actually play them. (details in the kotor2 review I posted)
  4. VERY MILD SPOILERS Well i guess this would be the spot to add your own review of kotor2. I loved the new look, makes kotor 1 look like an atari game. (the super old cartridge system, not a diss to the company, LMAO) Anyhow, the review. Summed up, I was totally robbed. I know, i know with all the outstanding reviews, how could i dare to say thaqt, well here it is: I played all the way thru kotor2 in the 1st 2 days i had it. at the beginning I immediately noticed the darkened look to your teacher(now, by immediately, i mean when you meet her in the morgue), whats her name, kreia. Therefor I left her on the ship for almost every bit of the game, never even talked to her, unless she butted in on the current conversation, and i pretty much told her to get lost, mind you i mastered the light side. Now because i didn't talk to her thru the entire game, I TOTALLY missed out on updating my own lightsaber crystal thru-out the game and NEVER once got offered anything to do with the prestige classes. I was waiting for my option for prestige to get asked every step of the way thru the game, little did i know, how to get it. So here i am playing thru this game with the better part of 2, 12 hours shifts behind me and i still wasn't asked about a prestige stepping stone, sort to speak, so here i am thinking, wow, obsidian really put a lot of work into this game, i must not even be half way thru it yet, because i wasn't asked about prestige yet, mind you, i was at the end of the , blowing up the destroyer with mandalore. So to attempt to end this review quicker: I make it to sion, killed him over and over, and then got to kreia , no prestige, end of game shows up, credits start scrolling, WHAT THE HECK!?!? I seriously hope obsidian reads this review, if for nothing else, just to see, you could play all the way thru the game, and miss out on tons of the game, without ever even knowing it. OBSIDIAN: There NEEDS to be somthing that curves you too kreai regardless of your alignment, so that you know you HAVE to talk to her for prestige and to update your lightsaber crystal.......I only learned of this awful "glitch" sort to speak, by playing thru the game a 2nd time, telling myself, i must have done somthing wrong, feeling heavily unsatisfied. Which is absolutely crazy, there should have been some flag (scripting) so that i wasn't left in the dark to these things. On the bright side, I am so glad i learned what i did, before i formed my opinion about obsidian's team, I was so excited to play this because they built it, so that i could get an idea of obsidian's team, mostly so that i could see their work, so i had some idea of what to expect with nwn2, which i am dying for. GREAT POINTS THAT I DID SEE IN KOTOR 2: 1: outstanding new look 2: huge list of feats 3: great story (of what i got to see) 4: loved the new upgrading tools 5:loved how you gave each team member a whole profile, even when compared to the other members. 6: absolutely loved the look of battles, energy bolts flying, lightsabers whirling, deflections, etc, loved it in kotor1 also. .....and to close, I am going to play thru it again, and talk to all party members this time, like kotor1, and i know that will give me a far better view of this game and what was put into it. Over all, I loved the game, but hated that i missed so much the 1st time thur, because now i must play thru it again, already knowing 60% of the story, and mixing that with the 40% I didn't get to interact with, (updating lightsaber crystal and prestige) Only 1 question obsidian: When will we see a game with the wide range of dynamics found in kotor 2, but with the massive flexibility and functionality of nwn?
  5. There is a glitch in the handmaiden's robes. You are able to stock pile her mother's jedi robes (white). I had 4 sets in my inventory when i noticed that when you ask her to teach you echani fighting moves while aboard the ebon hawk, and she takes off her clothes, they stock pile in your inventory. when you ask her to put some clothes on she puts on a new set, then if ya ask her to teach you again, if she is willing, she will remove the robves again, which adds another set to your inventory, and then ask her to put on a new set, she puts on a "new" set, not a set in your inventory. I was able to learn her fighting techniques all at once because i ignored her for most of the game, then remmebered her again, and went and talked to her and was able to learn them all back to back, and in between each teachiong i put my own armor back on and asked her to pt her's on too, which is when i noticed the stock piled robes.
  6. There is a glitch in the handmaiden's robes. You are able to stock pile her mother's jedi robes (white). I had 4 sets in my inventory when i noticed that when you ask her to teach you echani fighting moves while aboard the ebon hawk, and she takes off her clothes, they stock pile in your inventory. when you ask her to put some clothes on she puts on a new set, then if ya ask her to teach you again, if she is willing, she will remove the robes again, which adds another set to your inventory, and then ask her to put on a new set, she puts on a "new" set, not a set in your inventory. I was able to learn her fighting techniques all at once because i ignored her for most of the game, then remmebered her again, and went and talked to her and was able to learn them all back to back, and in between each teachiong i put my own armor back on and asked her to put her's on too, which is when i noticed the stock piled robes. this may help find the sopurce of the bug.
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