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Posts posted by DSLuke

  1. I've just reinstalled TSL after a really long time and my new PC is running on Windows 7.


    Everything went fine during the installation and I even maned to install the TSL RC patch.


    Aside from some small problems regarding the resolution the only glitch is that sometimes dialogues go too fast (making impossible to read) and without any sound.

    Any thoughts???



    Is TSL running on your Win7 PC??

    Problems? Solutions?


    Let's gather them here!

  2. Which is the old Sith order? You mean Palpy?


    As far as I known he was the only Sith to gain control of the whole galaxy (well almost).


    But that doesnt neccessarily mean that he was strongest, just smarter.


    Power is nothing without control.

  3. I do believe that the exile was healing throughout the game, simply by having other around

    him does not mean he borrows their force, but simply he can touch it without opening his "wound" too much.


    If she follows the Jedi path then she heals, and that healing is amlost complete by the time she goes to Dantoine to meet

    the masters.


    In the case she is a Sith she will eventualy become like Nihulus. Feeding of the Force of others.

  4. KOTOR and stable in the same sentance?? lol


    Since I got the first one I've learned to save, due to the frequent crashes

    (when I save I think it crashes less)


    They are buggy games, since except the crashing in KOTOR 2 you could miss some dialogue choices

    if you do not select them the first time (with Visas)

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