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Everything posted by gedd

  1. My most important wish for Project Eternity, is to have a great (main) story. Please get all the writers you need for that, delay the game by a few month if you need, but get us a truly exceptional story. Then I wish for *variety* at all levels. Combat Can we *please* have only interesting and varied combat? All cRPG suffer from this and I hope Project Eternity will be the exception. Having to clear a dungeon full of 400 of the same creatures (or minor variations of them) is very quickly boring and feels like work. Yes, it increase the time it takes to finish the game, but I'd take any day a game I can finish in 10 hours with only the interesting fights over a game with all the boring fights included that lasts for 40 hours. Or make it an option ("story mode"?). There are several possibilities for that, but the usual answer to lower the difficulty settings, is not a good way. It still takes *way* too much time to dispatch those boring enemies, and I'm a veteran cRPG player so I appreciate the challenge of boss fights with a high difficulty setting, and having to constantly fiddle with difficulty setting is annoying. There ought to be another way. Companions Variety in companions is great. Companions in PS:T were great and original, but their number was a bit too limited to really offer some choice, additionally, having a few companions you can romance with would be nice. The companion interaction, voice-over and romance in Dragon Age origins was possibly the only thing they did right but it was great, even though the companions themselves were a bit too smooth in general. (Side)Quests Please, get us variety, it should not be a 100 minor variations of fetch object X and kill Y. All quests without exception should be *fun*, or shouldn't be in the game. Environments I hope the game will match (or surpass) the diversity in environment that Baldur's gate 2 has. I'd like a game which goes from beautifull bright and colorful scenery to dark underground pits, with every strange/interesting place you can think of in between (in the air, on water, under water, in alternate planes, etc...). I also wish for great graphics (if I pause several times throughout the game just to look at the background, then that would be a success) but please don't invest too much energy into it. A game with a great story but okay graphics (like PS:T) is way better than an okay story with great graphics. I clearly have high hopes for this game, but I think you guys can very well do it. Thanks for reading me, Gedd
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