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Posts posted by rftl

  1. After I completed the Forgeknight quest they wen amok and killed every Justicar.


    Sadly one of my character had pretty low HP so i left after a couple of fights to rest.

    After the rest i return to the Justicars and everything did reset to the status before the amok run.


    Al Justicars are alive and the Forgeknights vanished. It's as nothing happend





    System Info

    Operating System Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit

    Cinnamon Version 2.4.6

    Linux Kernel 3.16.0-31-generic

    Processor Intel© Celeron© CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz x 2

    Memory 3.3 GiB

    Hard Drive 5404.5 GB

    Graphics Card Intel Corporation Xenon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller

  2. Sometime when i move the Detailed windows is snaps to the position shown in the Screenshot.

    The problem is i can't move it up (left right and down still work). Of course that makes the enchant button is unusable.







    System Info

    Operating System Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit

    Cinnamon Version 2.4.6

    Linux Kernel 3.16.0-31-generic

    Processor Intel© Celeron© CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz x 2

    Memory 3.3 GiB

    Hard Drive 5404.5 GB

    Graphics Card Intel Corporation Xenon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller

  3. There is a strange appearance in lvl 3 of the Endless Paths.









    Also the Forum File uploader always tells me "Error No file was selected for upload" even if a file is selected.


    System Info

    Operating System Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64-bit

    Cinnamon Version 2.4.6

    Linux Kernel 3.16.0-31-generic

    Processor Intel© Celeron© CPU G1820 @ 2.70GHz x 2

    Memory 3.3 GiB

    Hard Drive 5404.5 GB

    Graphics Card Intel Corporation Xenon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller

  4. When i reported the problem under Linux I got this answer.




    Hello rftl,


    Shroud, the plugin we are using to support our capes and cloaks in game is not supported by Linux. It's something that we are trying to find other ways to support in the future, but we were not able to get this in by launch.


    Hopefully in future updates we will have this feature fully supported for all platforms.


    Thank you for your support.  thumbsup.gif



    Probably the same is true for Mac OS.

    • Like 1
  5.  Regardless, this really has me in a butt-hurt state of mind right now. It just feels like we should be the ones getting the game first, or at the very least, the same time as the famous.



    Double Fine tried to be fair and give reviewers and backers a combined go.


    It didn't work and massively backfired.

    And that was only the first episode of a short Adventure game.

    If there is a genre that needs a good chunk of time before review content spills out it's the CRPG genre.

    So they have to get copies earlier. If the embargo on the other hand ended on the 26th it would ring alarm bells for many customers.

    A Embargo until  or after the release date is almost always a sign, that there is something wrong with the game.

    • Like 3
  6. I whole-hearted agree and wonder how you ever managed to come to such an insightful analysis of the material. I mean, it is the only part of my post you quoted, so you have that serendipity in your favour.


    You are right again.

    For you I quote the rest.


    Part of me wonders what it matters in the slightest. Only because you and I and several tens of thousand others have already paid in full for this product and our money has, I speculate, already been spent.




    That said, it is only a part of me that wonders. Now, I interest myself on this topic as well.







    Brandon Adler wrote something to the effect that review keys were sent out about 2 weeks prior to the release date.


    Thank you.

    In this case it wouldn't surprise me if we get reviews at the end of the week

  7. I have no doubt that Pillars of Eternity will be a good game.


    I always thought that Larians Writing is good. But Obsidians Writing is brilliant.


    BUT Diviniy: OS (a 4 Million $ game) is the current standard Pillars will be compared to.

    That's a pretty high bar to climb.

  8. A tentacle Hentai Dating game.

    You are a Tentaclemonster who really wan'ts to peacfully date Japanese Schoolgirls.

    ..... that would be a hit ... or not...



    I really want RPG's set in real historical times / alternate fiction based on real historical times (Darklands).
    Fantasy elements would be ok but keep it low Fantasy.

    For example the Victorian age but without steam punk super science.
    How ablaut playing a German tribesman before the battle of Teutenburg (with the option to side with the romans).
    China during the Warring States Period. Maybe this time the Qin loose.


  9. There's other games out there designed for this kind of gameplay, check those out instead of trying to get every good feature into one game, because down that path lies madness.



    Madness? That's a little bit over the top. A MP in style of the Infinity Engine games would probably not change the gameplay in a big way.

    Of course there enough examples of games that suffered from a misguided focus an Multiplayer.

    But the Infinity games never had the problem.


    But it definitely would take away some of the very limited recourses.

    They can make a Coop Mode as long they don't use the KS money and the SP doesn't suffer because of it.


    On the other hand. Divinity Original Sins Kickstater finished.

    If anyone wants a classical Coop CRPG then that game seems to be the perfect fit.

    All the pre alpha coop footage showed a very interesting coop focused crpg concept.

  10. I never played Fallout 1&2 so I can't comment. I also think that my point is being misunderstood. I love turn based, isometric games but to say you don't like Fallout and F:NV because they aren't turn based, isometric games doesn't make sense to me. It would be like saying you don't like Risen, Gothic or Morrowind because they aren't turn based and isometric. They aren't suppose to be yet the games have a huge appeal.


    No it's not the same because Risen, Gothic or Morrowind where never Turn Based.


    But to use your on example (The TES Series).


    Big Announcement from Bethesda.


    The Elderscrolls VI: Summerset


    New game Facts:


    Top Down Turn Based Combat.

    5x5 square miles map with one village.

    Communicating in sign language.

    And it's set in the late stone age.


    Oh and there will be never ever again a traditional TES Style.


    Du you really think TES Fans would be cool with this?

    Even if it's a very good game. The fans would scream BETRAYAL.


    And that's exactly happend with Fallout 3. People call it Oblivion with guns.

    That's actually a good description. And if you look at it this way. Then it's pretty good.

    I would even argue that it's way better than Oblivion.


    But it's a very poor Fallout game.


    The Obsidian Spinnoff Fallout: New Vegas has at least some of the Spirit of a real Fallout.

    But it's bound to many F3 design decisions.


    I'm sure if New Vegas had been the first ne Fallout and the Series Main game.

    Most classic Fallout Fans would not be as negative to a TES Like spinnoff.


    Some would not like it because it's not turn based and not isometric.

    But at least it would be seen as a new interpretation of Fallout.

    And not as a different game with a Fallout coat of paint.


    It's like XCom.

    Most XCom Fans hated that it's looked as if the Series would be changed to a FPS Franchise.


    Then the Turn Based XCom came out. Yes it was different. Yes it hat it's problems and was even a bit dumbed down.

    And yes some fans did not like it because the lack of tactical depth.


    But the outrage stopped. When it's time for the FPS game, most Fans won't be screaming.

    Some will even test the FPS because they feel that XCom is safe.


    Fallout Fans on the other hand know that the License is in the hand of a company with a very different design philosophy.

    They feel that Fallout is dead an someone is mocking it.

    Everytime Bethesda does something different from the old games.

    The Fans will react very negatively (even if the game itself is good).

    • Like 3

    Whats I find strange is there is a difference between saying you had issues with a game and saying that you are completely opposed to core game design,


    With this argument you actually have to hate F3 and F:NW and only accept Turn Based Isometric Fallout games.


    Because to use your words. They are completely opposed to Fallouts core game design.




    For me the greatest problem with Fallout 3 and probably with Fallout 4.


    Is that the traditional strongest points of the Fallout Franchise, are the traditional weakest points of pretty much every Bethesda RPG.


    Fallout Games traditionally a big world with a limited amount of things to do (at least compared to Bethesda type RPG). But not as cramped an Focused as BioWar RPGs.


    But often those Storys and experiences are very character driven deep Storys. Even small interludes and mini quests feel as if the have a meaning for the word or the people that are involved.


    Bethesda rpgs feel more like a canvas in witch the player can forge his own experience.


    They ave an enormous amount of things to do. But they are mostly experiences that get their meaning becaus you are involved.


    Both kinds of RPG have it's place.


    The traditional Fallout Games gives you a big chance to experience storys und the people in the world.


    While the Bethesda kind gives you the chance, to forge and experience your own story. The world / story is more like a backdrop for this experience.




    Fallout 1,2 and New Vegas are somewhere in the middle, between the more Focused and Cinematic BioWare RPGs and the very big World Bethesda RPGs.


    The thing is. You can get high quality BioWare and Bethesda type RPGs, in regular intervals.

    Traditional Fallout type RPGs on the other hand, are pretty scare.

    Obsidian has the skill to make games like this. But unlike BioWare and Bethesda, they don't have a comfortable market niche.

    In with they can make those games over and over again.

  12. I understand it's kind of an alien platform and requires investment to develop for,


    It not really about Money. Yes they don't have enough money for a port. But that can change if it's a success on Pc .


    The entire point of the game is to reproduce the Magic of the Infinity Engine games. Something that's not very compatible with a Joypad.


    Maybe it possible to make a WiiU/iPad Port (because of the touch screen) but that's very unlikely.


    Also there is a inert dislike of the Idea in the PC CRPG Fanbase.

    That's because many typical PC Genres where massively dumbed down or even vanished because of their incompatibly with Console Controls.

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