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Everything posted by rwschris

  1. Since the soul concept drives Project Eternity, a similar concept should drive the gods or divinities Include all entities among the gods: Rocks; plants; animals; people; monsters; meteorological, terrestial, celestial phenomena, etc. All things participate in divinity. People call their participation 'soul,' other entities have other names. Divinities, of course, obey a strict hierarchy. The divinity in trees (some call them 'nymphs') obey the seasons. The slow or sleepy divinity of mountains and hills in part are obedient to the winds, and rivers. Mortals cannot but be obedient to the divinity present in death (or in rebirth as it may be perceived). This makes ample room for the strength of 'soul' to function as an important mechanic. For the strong or pure souled they express the energies of their inner divinities in world-changing deeds, deeds to which other entities are obedient. These divinities do not slumber long, they seek expression as entities that have powerful effects on the world and cosmos. Goodness is then an expression of these inner divinities. One behaves badly when one does not attend to them, when one is willful. From this basic outline, one could describe all variety of hiearchies of divinity and philosophies about how one should attend to or transform one's place in the cosmos.
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