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About Simpy

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  1. I've been a little busy and haven't been able to keep up with the latest information about the game, but I've always been fascinated about the 'soul' concept since I learnt about it. What follows are the facts and stories about a God that, at least for now, is named "Aivy" (of course - this is easily changeable; I just like this name). (I just checked the PE wiki and it seems that the concept of a god having 'different identities' in different locations isn't lost on the developers, but I'll share this God idea anyway.) (Also, I've used [name] placeholders where I couldn't think of a name straight away!) Aivy To the masses that court the strands of existence for a life worth living, she is known as "The God of Faces". To the rich, she is fate; to the poor, she is hope; to the truly misérables, she is a sardonic reminder that all are fools - that all will, eventually, live a life of despair. Long debated about by the scholars of [land/worldname], Aivy - as she is famously known in her most current incarnation - is a unique specimen even among the gods. Aivy is able to see and interact with every single soul she has ever lived. Common consensus suggests that she is at once none and all of them combined - a menagerie of personalities each with their own desires, loves, and hates. At their core is an ever present awareness of who and what she is. Through the years, this has developed into an acute awareness of the world and its residents. This has - according to popular opinion - led to her simultaneous presence in several parts of the world through avatars of her self, most of which are still unknown. [This part depends on whether Gods can 'die'] She is unique among the gods in that - on death - she may be reincarnated as a mortal. Only in this state is she ignorant of her past, but she is still capable of great power. Of the two mortal avatars ever attributed to her, one has been mortal in the strictest sense of the word [a boy named Tiles], and the other was a great priest in the lands of [name]. Tiles' story is will known. Thousands of years ago, the [concept - war, hate, etc] God [name] discovered her identity via a daring raid into her tower, the place in which all her identities live together ("They say her home is a spire of possibility; they say a level exists for each of her incarnations, which has created an ever-growing grasp to answer possibility - yes, possibility itself - with an answer for every permutation of man possible. They say that, when she has existed as every ion possible, the very fabric of existence will crumble in satisfaction to meaning itself ..." - [Philosopher name]). The God abused her [him] for 120 years with such voracity that some said in the lands of [name] that they could hear the screams shatter throughout the sky ("this, coincidentally, is the origin for the Order of Tiles - their symbol, a sharp, dagger-like pen stuck in the open pages of a tome forever a reminder that no soul can ever escape the torture of life... Contrary to popular belief, it is only in the last two hundred years that the pages of the tome has been presented with a mosaic. A decree by Agister Wundart, this was meant to represent the fractures of our lives..." - [Phillosopher Name]) Whatever the case, this is sure: mortals and gods alike are forever clamoring to discover all her identities, but, just as sure, most will inevitably remain hidden. Some say her very first incarnation will provide power untold to the world (or the god who claims it), and others believe the first is existence itself. ("To claim saach a thang," I remember the barwench saying, "It'd bloost yer tah smitharaaens, surelah. And I likes mah smitharaaens where they be, I'll be thanking you to know!'- [Philosopher name]) "All of it leaves a man to wonder - whose face it is does she really show?" - [Philosopher name].
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