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Posts posted by OhNoTooManyBees

  1. A god of spaces and places.


    A bottle-breaking-on-a-ship kind of ritual is always followed as a perfunctory show respect for this deity, who sanctifies and protects the integrity of sites used by people.


    Considered a third-tier deity by most, the space-god's most devout fofllowers are derided as hole-worshippers. Persecution of hole-worshippers occurs every time they are discovered occupying the ruin of another deity's temple, as they are perceived as squatters encroaching on others' worship. They, however, see their behavior as an attempt to prevent the loss of their god's dominion over a sanctified place, a sacred space that would otherwise turn to dust and rubble. Despite these conflicts, hole-worshippers are sought after for their impressive ability to restore what would otherwise be lost to decay, a talent honed in those contested ruins.



    I like this, ties into the cthonic tradition nicely. Obligatory: Also gods of thresholds and crossroads.


    Really, cthonic gods are awesome and severely under-utilized.

  2. Gods of primitized scientific ideas - for instance, you could have a pair of gods. One of them represents gravity, magnetic attraction, and the strong nuclear force, "The desire of all things to attract to one another." Another could be magnetic repulsion and entropy - "The desire of all things to remain separate." These then boil down into sociopolitical mores - the god who controls attraction could control love and fertility, or business, or government. The god that governs repulsion might also govern something like existential isolation, or they might destroy relationships.

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