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Jedi Guardian Nivek

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Everything posted by Jedi Guardian Nivek

  1. let me rephrase that original post.yeah duh the original which was made quite a few years ago were made for the pc and for the original xbox,and yes the game is playable on the xbox 360 genius.due to the fact that it was made for the xbox original the graphics and many other things to do with kotor,needs to be updated.so,instead of being pretty sure,how about you learn how to read and understand the post, before you decide to put your dumbass,no knowledge post on my topic.
  2. Your replys may help me in a battle to try to see if this topic of mine could become a reality
  3. I played Kotor 1 Before I played Kotor 2.as far as missing some plot,in kotor 1 you will have certain characters that you will not have in kotor 2.however there is mention of some characters that were in kotor 1.i dont want to spoil anything for you,so have fun in your decision
  4. Both Kotor 1 and 2 reproduced and updated with new features new game plus
  5. i have played both kotor 1 and 2 On the xbox multiple times,I never get tired of playing the game,but i think it is time the games go into production for the xbox 360 and gets updated

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