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Everything posted by efo11

  1. 1. yeah i konw PS:T is the best of the IE lot... after playin it, all other games of 'roleplaying' nature just seemed so... flat. dull. i think its all about the medium computer games can be such an awesome way to tell a story or deliver a genuine message. most of them dont. PS:T was a fresh reminder that one can say some-bloody-thing as a GameMaker - and surprisingly as a player as well. still is, imho. 2. solonik, you should play BG2 when you get the chance. it starts off slow (starting dungeon be boring as hell) - gets really good. 3. while we're at it: there's a reason PS:T 's put on a pedestal in these whole cRPG fanbased discussions - it was nicely done, the gameplay wasnt too harsh on the player (came out jusy after BG1; most IE players didnt know any better), but its whole concept and writings were purely innovative and NEW. moreover - the game took a complete roundabout turn from classic "save the kingdom/damsel in distress" RPG themes - was f@#!ing brilliant! who would'v thought such a marvell'd come outa the gaming industry?!... for that reason alone - trashing the usual FantasyCrap concepts, and pullin off a mesmerising show of true, human, very deep fantastic themes - PS:T is far better then 90% of the "roleplaying" games. replay value or no reaply value. its still is the best experience one can get from a western roleplaying game.
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