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About kbned

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  1. kotor 2 can never be better than kotor 1 for the following reasons: - same ending no matter what - no real ending - very linear - re-used cut scenes for dark/light when the story does vary a little (even then it comes back to linear for no real reason other than its easier to make the game that way) - many plot holes, more than kotor 1 - kria is lame (annoying, obvious, weak, but the game is made around her) - the main bad guys are really weak and have no badness - bao dur sucks - the death of the force crap (if a guy is a force void why is he able to use it? its not the death of if he still has it and this crap conflicts with both the "midichlorians" and "the force in everything" ideas. he doesnt take midichlorians out of anyone or anything and if the force holds the universe together and a force void's been through the place then the universe would not hold together.) been awhile since i played it so i cant remember everything that made kotor 2 < kotor 1.
  2. Notice the :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you deleted my post and on top of that call me a bioware fanboy? that was not cool man, i put a lot more into this thread in my post than most of the other posts. and it was mostly on topic too, i can understand editing out the "kotor 2 sucks" part out since you know the guys working on it but deleting my post was not necessary. i am not a fanboy of either company but i did have high hopes for obsidian. i figured with their history they could make kotor 2 like few developers could. i was disappointed by a mediocore game and watched as people who dont know a thing about quality games applaud kotor 2 as a success. either way this award show is a joke, the winning spots were paid for. they couldnt even wait till the end of the year, they wanted to do it at a time they could make money off it. anyway, congratulations on rpg of the year, hope you guys made enough to buy it next year too. or your publisher or whatever.
  3. the funny thing is everyone criticised him for the way he did it the first through but he was young and stubborn. he had everything done a specific way even though everyone hated him for it, now everyone calls the originals "master pieces". i heard he even had to pay a fine because of the way he did the credits and the opening scroll text. his more recent movies are more like other movies made today, as if he finally gave in and conformed to what everyone told him he did wrong. instead of shutting up the critics now they just complain more. i think he was more of a different person then which is why he was able do a small group vs an evil empire so well. he himself was pretty much up against an evil empire, almost everyone figured he'd fail. he would have too if the dude wasnt so stubborn and persistent. now its more like he runs the empire or has a high position in it, i think the new movies reflect the change.
  4. if you dont like the game, get over it. there are other games, go find another one instead of trolling this thread to death. you're obviously playing some weird version no one else here has seen. the english version works fine and does not have the errors you mentioned.
  5. not sure what you mean by scuttled but he wouldnt destroy the star forge just because he had to leave it behind. blowing it up would just cripple the sith. they might be competitors but their enemy is still the same. bastilla said these remaining sith were too weak to follow, she would follow malak and revan but not these guys. no contest, even obsidian admits malak is stronger.
  6. according to the game the answer is malak. bastila says the remaining sith are too weak to use the star forge, kriea and her reject students included. i think she also claims to have taught revan too but then again she claims to be the exile's master. bastilla says the remaining sith fight each other for power, sounds like a good description of the sith lords you meet in this game.
  7. That is the silliest argument yet. You know, once very long ago, I went to high school, and my math teacher did not in fact teach me everything I learned there. The Exile learns from experience and from Visas, and the Handmaiden or Disciple, and even from T3. So no, I would not ever "admit" that Kreia teaches her/him everything beyond the three obscure powers she directly teaches the Exile, and beyond re-awakening her/him to the Force in the first place. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> come on all those powers were introduced the same way! the exile repsonds in the same way, as if he were learning something new. you cant seriously say that only those 3 he didnt already know... i was close to the win there...
  8. she taught more than that all in the same way and the exile responded the same way. if you admit those powers he learned from her you should be able to admit the others too.
  9. i meant lack of information about the actual subject, not lack of information about medical science. neither can really know how similar the two are and there is no reason to believe the two are even similar. btw, are you admitting that kriea taught him those force powers?
  10. wouldnt normally link articles on a forum especially this kind but it was too funny not to. The City of Slagelse is cracking down on aggressive hoards of amorous drakes that practice gang rapes against the few female ducks surviving in the city park Normally, Slagelse's park is a peaceful oasis where small children and old ladies go to feed the ducks on the park's lake. But all winter the park's visitors have witnessed violent and gruesome scenes, as gangs of 6-7 aggressive drakes attack the few female ducks that live on the lake, raping them and often drowning them in the havoc. 'This is simply gang rape,' Slagelse project leader Peter Johansen told daily newspaper Politiken, adding that the sexual abuse had escalated as spring approached and the drakes became even more randy. Johansen said the lake's many drakes also showed aggressive behavior towards humans trying to feed them, and their sheer numbers posed an environmental problem in the Western Zealand town. 'All those ducks are ruining the lake with their excrements,' he said. 'It gives too much algae, which ruin the plant and animal habitat.' Of the park's 150 ducks, only one in five is female. Johansen said it was natural that more male than female ducks were hatched, to ensure that every female could mate and lay eggs. 'The problem is that many females drown when the drakes fight over them, and that creates a bigger unbalance in the gender distribution,' Johansen said. Despite the natural explanations, the city has had enough of the rapist hoards. A number of drakes will be trapped and shipped to other, bigger lakes, to find more females and space, and mend their ways. http://www.jp.dk/english_news/artikel:aid=2934452/ EDIT: yes i know it isnt meant to be funny and i shouldnt find it funny but i do. even if you dont admit it, you do too.
  11. if these sentences are incoherent, the problem's on your end. i really dont care enough to explain this to you, you should be able to see just from the sw movies alone how this kind of thing would not be possible. midicloreans and this existing at the same time causes enough of a problem alone. btw, visas says they're all full of bs. she's a little more into the force than anyone else using it as her only sight so i kinda trust that more. and she's the only one without ulterior motives, unbiased opinion from a the last of a highly force sensitve race.
  12. 0 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I'm pretty sure the exile has the option of saying something similar. In the conversation where Kreia and the Exile talk about the Force on Peragus; the one right before you get your first level up. You can say: "But it doesn't feel like it did.... It feels like it is coming from across a great distance." That's just one example. There are a few others that I don't have the time to search for right now, buried in conversations with Kreia. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that could just mean that he is weak in the force right now, that he's getting used it after not using it for a long time. its a lot more likely since he cant draw on other's force powers at great distance. even in the game he has to be pretty close, same area. if anything that shows that the only difference in him feeling the force is a greater distance that probably disappears as he levels up.
  13. there are other characters who say different, there are contradictions. either way, i dont care what is said about it, it shouldnt have even been used. death of the force because some guy cut a few force bonds... btw, i said it contradicts statements/events but that is not limited only to kotor 2.
  14. i didnt say you realized there was lack of information on both sides, i dropped it myself because i didnt want to argue something neither side knew much about. comparing it to the human body and the current medical science to me was way out of place, there is no reason to limit the way the force acts to this. i instead went on to try to prove that he shows memory loss by his dialog instead since that can be looked up and verified. like i said before, i treat this whole "wound in the force" and anything kriea says the same as the midiclorean issue. its there, you cant argue its not but it contradicts lots of existing statements/events. just something they cant take back and causes problems in logic and continuity.
  15. 0 way too many times. everything is described as "like an echo" in this game whether its a planet, a sith, or even maybe a game of pazzak. just a bunch of echos... yea that sounds right.. yesterday someone might have cared what you had to say on this subject, too late now. that subject was dropped for lack of information on both sides of the argument. if you're going to post about it anyway go back and read the last few posts at least. post number 25 should get you up to speed.
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