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About NYNeutronStars

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    (4) Theurgist
    (4) Theurgist
  1. it does it tells him to keep going
  2. so what dont feed it when you do you arent a parent explaining something to a slow child you are one slow child arguing with another slow child
  3. isnt that going on by everyone on all sides at this point <{POST_SNAPBACK}> only because he repeats the same thing, so we have to constantly explain to him why we're upset. it's like a parent telling their kid not to do something. Is the parent doing so because they like repeating themselves? or because the kid is too intellectually slow to understand the first time? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ok so let me get this straight 'we' repeat the same thing over and over because he repeats the same thing over and over but 'we' are explaining and he is i guess trolling thats the gist of it right
  4. isnt that going on by everyone on all sides at this point
  5. Exactly. Don't promise on something you can't or will not deliver on because it will bite you in the arse. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what a flood of email that a secretary will have to deal with and a 1 person boycott how exactly is this biting them in the arse
  6. you are right if you send them the 20 it willl be better than their cut
  7. lmfao hell soe i finally looked at your avatar when i was thinking about my first post i was going to put in what are you commie pinkos i would have felt foolish considering i didnt notice your avatar at the time
  8. well you have all the bases covered carry on
  9. not to throw too much wood on this fire but this is capitalism folks get used to it unless you are willing to go the route of soe you arent going to give them back what they gave to you but even if you do that keep one thing in mind those who are in power will not suffer from this its the guy or gal working 90 hours a week while his or her kid is doing things he or she only gets to see in video email boycotts never hurt those that deserve it they hurt those just like us
  10. for those looking for something to do come over to the nwn2 forums all you need to post is rideable horses and z-axis some people have killed much more time than two months with those two
  11. the only reason i knew is because games going gold without selling a single copy always struck me as odd because i thought of it in terms of records going gold i just happened to search some info about it one time and found out what it really was
  12. going gold in terms of software isnt about selling anything it means the game has been copied to disc and is being sent to manufacturers for duplication in other words it means the game is finished
  13. what do preorders have to do with going gold
  14. all three tapes heck i only have 1 left the other two broke a long time ago
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