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About Zero_Kelvin

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Well, now that's something different. Trying to regain your memory is better than just going to dark or light side blindly. When I played Kotor I was always trying to answer the question in a way that I was saying "I know I was Darth Revan, but I know my mistakes now". There is no merit in being good not knowing that you were bad, there is no redemption in amnesia. Sorry for the mistake, at least someone read it, hahaha
  2. Being a LSr I couldnt get enough money to get the best weapons for the non-jedi characters (I don't want to play pazaak the next 2 years), and jedis dont need any weapons at all just the lightsaber, and you get the crystals for free, so my best characters were jedis, and I wanted to play with the strongest characters, however from time to time i used other characters, but I was so strong i didn't need them anyway. Maybe Zaalbaris the only non jedi character that can be very strong because of his high strength, but since you cant equip him with armors, he has low armor and some saves. Hopefully with all the enhancements they are doing to ranged weapons, and everything else, non jedi can get a chance to be permanet in my team. Zero
  3. Maybe Jango Fett against Mace Windu is not the best example but he did give Obi Wan a fight back in Kamino. A good example also could be Bobba Fett in Jedi Academy, in the level where you have to destroy the weapons cache. He is really annoying and is you get close to him to hit him with the lightsaber he uses a flamethrower that can kill you in seconds, and also he uses his jetpack to keep his distance with you. If they are going to create a bounty hunter character in KotOr 2 they should give him/her several free feats, and he skill to use several weapons like the ones the droids could use, not only shields, grenades and mines, and that would be could to play. Zero
  4. Revan went to Korriban and disappeared?! I just hope they don't turn him to the darkside again, because that would be an overkill (and boring). And i hope they give each of the Sith Lords their own unique personality. Zero
  5. This has been discussed in another topic but I would like to see (if they make one, and they should) a KotOR 3 during the Sith War. We'll get a chance to see a great jedi war (we could participate in one), characters like Exar Kun, Ulic Quel Droma, Mandalore and even a young Jolee Bindo. I know that there are comics, and some say it's been done to death, but so could others said about the whole star wars universe ("6 movies, isn't that enough?!", of course not!)., and it will be a different point of view, your character point of view. The comics and everything else we know will be just a bakcground for the story they would create, a starting point, a reference. Imagine an area were there are several (i don't know how many the video card would handle) jedi fighting the sith, a you could change the tide of that battle to the faction you want. Zero
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