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Dark Lord Daishi

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Posts posted by Dark Lord Daishi

  1. i think i figured it!

    Visas and Handmaiden arguement

    must be male

    must have High Visas influence and little/no influnce on Handmaiden

    this is what i did-

    Handmaiden-"we've just been through alot" *influnce gain*(H)

    went to Nar shaddaa(first planet after telos)

    fought visas "I...have nothing to offer you. your strength is superior...it is as I felt"

    *inflence gain*(V)

    handmaiden confonts me "she is useful and I do not mean to kill her yet."

    *influnce loss*(H)

    Visas and Atton in Party

    told thugs to give me all their credits and jump into the pit(Rutum's debt)

    *influnce gain*(V)

    Killed the ithorian(lassvou?)*influnce gain* (V)

    killed lunar shadow crew *influnce gain* (V)

    killed loorta *influnce gain* (V)

    then when back to the ship then you should get the augment

  2. also on Nar Shaddaa, in the flophouse, each time you kill an 'innocent' (the ithorian, lootra, etc.) you gain influence w/ Visas


    I had them both with Darkside Mastery


    I was DarkSide and i got the Visas romance but i might have also gotten the handmaiden romance also because when Visas talks toyou after kreia runs offs she says " ...I want to see what the Handmaiden sees in you, what casuses her heart to race, and her tone to change...

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