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Everything posted by Nkemp756

  1. Personally I enjoyed the Baldur's gate II Romances. I would like to see deeper, more in depth options, done in this style. My only problem with them is the scale of time in the game in relation to the time it takes to actually develop the romance, it always feels really off. A good way to deal with that issue is to simply have time skips in the game, that way it is assumed you have at least developed more of a friendship... they did this in Dragon Age II but over all the less said about that game the better. More things like side quest and character events would be very welcome and would add a great deal of depth to the potential romance options. Good examples of this actually come from the BGII Modding community with the Tashia, Saerilith and Amber mods. If we could get things along those lines than I think we would have very enjoyable and compelling romances. A good variety would be nice as well, 3 male options and 3 female options, or something along those lines. The four total options in BG2 or the DA games left a lot to be desired. In any companion based RPG, the options of romance should be available. If done well a good romance adds depth to the main character, adds depth to the companions, can add depth to the story and even add depth to the world itself.
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