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About lilbuddha

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  1. You deserve this Obsidian. This is what happens when you give attention to the crazies, they keep coming back.
  2. I once had a post, at the start of this thread But obsidian's integrity, it was found to be dead Now I must try my best, to remember the rest Of the Poem I made, that the mods forbade --- There once was a rock, that somehow got singed By someone from, the internet fringe She even said, "all men should be dead" So the next time obisidian finds themselves in a pinch Remember those cowards, don't deserve an inch.
  3. There once was a rock that managed to singe from someone in the fringe looking to lynch. She also said "kill all men" without a flinch But now i know, next time they're in a pinch I won't give those cowards another inch. edit: glad they didn't completely remove it, but I'm not deleting the poem.
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