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Posts posted by Calmar

  1. On the aumaua race:


    the other race we haven’t talked about yet are called the aumaua. they are larger than humans and are found in a lot of coastal and island areas. like orlans, they look somewhat… different, but they are still a bipedal race. we’re still working on their concepts (as we are with orlans), but we will show them when we feel they’re in a good place. (Link)



    I found this information via Marceror's Comprehensive Project Eternity Information Guide. Maybe they are in fact big fish people. :w00t:

    • Like 1
  2. I expect that I'll have no problems keeping this up to date during development. The "toughest" period was during the Kickstarter campaign, where new information was literally released daily by Obsidian, and there was a flood of interviews being published, etc. Comparitively speaking, things are boring now. :) I don't expect that we'll be getting updates more than once a week (if that), so it should be fairly easy to stay on top of things.


    Once the game is out, I'll need to reevaluate this guide. A lot of the information will not be particularly relevant/helpful for a released game. At that point I'll probably convert this into an HTML format as Sorcerers.net, removing anything that isn't relevant, and adding new details that are, and this will be added as one of the many, many information guides at sorcerers.net. Time will tell on that.


    As always, I appreciate the feedback.

    It would be cool if you could keep the discarded material separate somewhere to be read, nevertheless. To understand the development stages of the setting might be of interest for people who like the world.

  3. For me, such convenience toolsmake finding treasure less exciting. Some games allow you to auto-collect coins and magical treasures, to determine what stuff you want or do not want to be auto-collected, have endless inventory, or allow automatic sorting of the inventory.


    I find it much more fun to browse through a beaten opponents stuff and decide what I want to keep and store stuff I can't carry at some safe place. After one has survived the early phase of a game, it is usually no longer necessary to collect everything, or to fill your inventoty with 30 axes and sell them for 2 gold pieces, each.

  4. Back in the old BG/IWD days, we used to select a character portrait to represent our PC(s). If they choose to follow that approach for PE, I was contemplating how it would be interesting if we had a little extra control over those portraits, such as the ability to tint features and apply layered hair and beard graphics. I'm not sure how practical that notion is, but some customization options might be a nice enhancement. :disguise:


    What do you think?


    That would be really cool. I love portrait pictures more than just ingame faces on the character models.

  5. I do not very much like orcs to be depicted as honourable warriors . This usually involves plots around the lines of 'society loathes them, but Player is smart and can easily see that they're just misunderstood'. That's like creating a race of infernal fiends, but making them non-evil - what would be the point?


    To me, I believe orcs should be wretched, evil and cunning minions, or a ruthless, butal and evil fighting force. If a setting has to have orcs, then they should be orcs and not some attempt to turn the stereotype upside down.

    • Like 2
  6. I would not like repeatable quests in PE. The ones I've seen in other quests quickly became boring work you repeat all over again to gain more money.


    Maybe randomly generated mini FedEx quests would be a possibility: random NPC X wants object Y. If you, let's say, are tasked to find a snow wolf pelt by some shopkeeper that normally doesn't offer quests, the quest is long or short depending on how close to snow wolf territory the quest-giver is.

    • Like 2
  7. Yes, this is a good point. If this is analogous to 16th century, being fat should be very rare, and mostly exclusive to royalty and aristocracy. Having a fat diplomat companion with no combat skills but great charisma and intelligence would be acceptable.


    Body fat should be a sign of wealth, I think, but also predominant amongst people who work with food and thus use the opportunity to stuff themselves when they can. But as I said, well-trained or lean bodies are not necessarily beautiful.


    You are absolutely right. Take this gentleman, for example. http://en.wikipedia....iesz_Bicker.jpg


    Which raises the point; beauty isn't something objective and quantifiable. Ever seen a Rubens? The ladies in his paintings didn't skip any meals, and yet they were considered beautiful. Not going to link, since none of them are wearing any clothes and that might be frowned upon.


    So who says that in this fantasy world they would even apply the same standard to beauty that our society does, anyway? I highly doubt they would share in our worshipping of anorexic teenagers.


    Well, they'll probably want to share our society's standard to beauty if they want to sell plenty of copies of Project Eternity... :p


    But other than that, general preference for slim women appears to be a more recent development. :grin:








    Yes, and this is a definitive improvement over this. Sagani does not look to standartised as well :) Still, another companion who fits clichees less will also be included...



    This is so awesome. I'm so glad they chose to give her a reasonable breastplate instead of boob plate. Unless one has exceptionally large breasts, a breastplate is spacious enough to easily accomodate them.

    • Like 4
  9. For me, I think Project Eternity should be

    like Planescape: Torment, for the thoughtfulness and depth of characters, choices and consequences thereof;

    like the Icewind Dale series for the spirit of danger, heroism and and well-rounded stories (while mostly linear, these games are altogether more like great fantasy novels than their other IE counterparts);

    like the Baldur's Gate series, for experiencing the freedom of a huge, living world full of adventure, exploration, and wonder.


  10. Anyway, I think having different varieties of Spanish used by different ethnicities in-universe in the Spanish translation would actually be a good compromise for the players from different countries. Maybe future translators of the game into Spanish should consider it. :)

    I'm telling you why this concept would not work most of the times: imagine two cultures, one brilliant, advanced, full of thinkers and warriors unmatched, while the other one of those cultures is less advanced, has less or low morality and is more reprobable in all the ways. Or, say, you've got elves and orcs. Which variety would you use for each civilization, Spanish from Spain or Spanish from, say, Chile? ;)


    I don't think it would be such a heavy issue. Dwarves with Scottish accents, or Barbarians with Eastern European accents (like Minsc from BG II) don't seem to be much of an offense to anyone.

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