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About maxSmart

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I've played the game both ways one each and i think the game makes more since till Dantonne jedi enclave as dark the light side for the rest not much more though the story left to many holes in it hoping kotor 3 will clear them up.
  2. thanks i did that it worked
  3. Playing darkside killed all jedi masters go to Dantoine enter enclave game frezzes where the jedi are soupposed to be do i need to leave one alvie and if so any of them are a scefic one HELP
  4. where a jedi robe that has force regenration it a little faster
  5. Be nice to hime have him with you when you repair the swoop bike on NarShada have him with you at the cave on dantooniee (the atmosphic sensors and use his expretiseat these points
  6. Sorry, I know I'm new here, but I just wanted to mention this: After the release of EVERY new game, this happens. People start jumping on forums complaining about this bug or that bug. You say that there are over one hundred complaints about the same situation. One hundred out of how many copies sold? That's a VERY small percentage. I'm sure there are more but still, statistically a small percentage. I'm not saying your complaints aren't valid, I'm just saying that the people having problems with the game are a vocal minority. The people who aren't having trouble simply don't run out to jump on a forum and start yelling about having no problems with a game. The game hasn't been out very long, give them a chance to fix it first. I've been playing Ghost Recon 2 since the day it was released and it has it's fair share of bugs. Ubi has just acknowledged this fact after over a month and said there will be a patch forthcoming. If you truly want a fix, you have to give them more than a week to make one. Now, I haven't gone through all the forums, so maybe they said they won't fix it, and if that's the case then that is truly a bummer. However, if they haven't said that, then let them figure out what to do to fix it. Sure it's good to let them know what problems you're having and give them details because that helps them fix the situation, but to bash the company that delivered such a great overall game experience is silly. I know your frustration, believe me, but give them more than a week or 2 to fix it. Flame away, I know some will, but I believe in being reasonable and software development is notorious for this sort of thing. It's just not possible to completely playtest every aspect of a piece of software of this magnitude and unfortunately that means that you and I become the playtesters. PC get patches not consoles I would have rather waited till feb for the game and have the game bug free or less buggy even it frezzes it restarts charters walk tough some walls
  7. When you have the hanmaiden on the ebon hawk take here cothes of and then ask her to put cothes on she will put on a handmaiden robe and then you take it off and repeat as much as you want (It worked with me ) Let me know if it works with you PS you need to do the first bout with her and you need to be dreesed)
  8. I thought that the lame thing was the reven thing after finding out not able make anyone know it plus i felt that upon reciving that and that some of your memories came back you should have been able to get some kind of bonus like a fp or feat theat reven might have had. The carth romance that just was insults not flirting funny maybee. And that playing female basstila still said basically all the same things in the same way that should have been changed a bit more. Whith carth in male play there are in many of the talks less options or even different.
  9. sabacc is a much better game but it would not be a quick game like pazzack and the losses could end up when you think you won because of the card face chages that happen radamly. although you could win the same way. I would love to see idiots delight.
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