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Posts posted by Dream

  1. Oh I backed it as well because even the off chance of another game like PS:T is worth the price of admission to me, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to take everything Fargo tells me with a massive dose of skepticism (and he hasn't really shown me anything to placate that mindset).


    After all this isn't some starving game developer working on a passion project but a millionaire CEO who's good with sales pitches.


    So Torment's "thematic sequel" will not only have completely different characters and setting, but now completely different gameplay as well? At least they got the name right I suppose.


    Also could someone tell me why AAA devs get crucified for reviving decade old franchises as completely different games, but inXile gets a pass?


    2/10, wouldn't read again.



    The new Thief has more in common with the original games than this Torment does with PS:T.


     You dropped that part of where they tell what they mean with deep;  "The philosophical underpinnings of Torment drive the game, both mechanically and narratively. Your words, choices, and actions will be your primary weapons."


    Because if you don't specify what you mean with deep story, it becomes absolute meaningless phrase as it can mean any story that has subsurface meanings, which is about every story that uses metaphors, political, cultural, sociological , etc. references.



    And how exactly does their definition of "deep" not apply to Mass Effect, Witcher, or even Skyrim (really any RPG with C&C ever made)? My point is that the things inXile promised were so vague that they could end up making an FPS and still technically be right.

    As for Hunted: I liked Gears' SP so I liked that game too, but to claim it's anything other than Gears with swords is to be either disingenuous or blind.

  4. Because their aim isn't "deep" story (what that ever means)


    • A Deep, Thematically Satisfying Story

    You don't say.


    Also it's worthwhile to remember this. If that's Brian Fargo's idea of bringing classic gameplay back to the modern audience then you'll forgive me if I don't take everything he says at face value. 





    That is quite simplifying and misleading statement. As they promise much more than good story, like philosophical approach to thematic topics, unique world with unseen wonders and places, character driven story arc, emphasis on different approaches to things. All things that made PS:T to be the game what it was. PS:T's combat system was least defining attribute in whole game.



    Not really, I'm sure everyone wants their story to be deep, original, with a rich personal narrative and lots of player choice.



    The thing is, TToN is not a direct sequel to PT.  It aims to be thematically similar, but it's a completely new game in a new world with new characters.  It doesn't need to carbon copy everything that PT did.  Besides, the combat mechanics in PT were arguably the weakest part of the game, hence why I have no qualms whatsoever to them being completely different in TToN.  Not to mention, as someone who owns the Numenera tabletop game, the mechanics of that system lend themselves to turn-based a lot better than RTwP, particularly the system of assigning effort to actions.  Translating the effort system into real-time would require considerably hacking the system and/or constant pausing and micromanaging on the part of the player, which would essentially turn it into a turn-based game anyway, just a lot less gracefully executed one.

    So basically, Torment in name only?




    The problem is that all of that can be summarized as "we're going to try and give it a good story." Hell, using their definition the Witcher series is a spiritual successor to Torment.


    Lore wise however...wtf?


    What time period is this? Kain's Empire? Where is Kain himself? Razielim...while I've always wondered what they look like, why are they alive? I thought they were wiped out? In fact, why are the Vampire Clans all buddy buddy? 



    Far as I can tell it's during the war that occurred after Kain raised his lieutenants but before he sent Raziel for a swim.


    Edit: On second thought that makes no sense since Raziel's clan wouldn't have wings then, but then why are they fighting alongside the rest of the Vamps if they know Kain killed their leader? Whatever.


    Fish completely brought this upon himself because no one knew about him (and thus no one cared to antagonize him) before he started acting like a giant douche in the movie, at cons, on twitter, etc. He did it to get publicity to generate hype for his game and it worked, but when it came time to reap what he'd sown he started to cry about being a victim and how everyone was mean to him.


    The way I see it if he wants to sling **** for publicity then whatever, but if he's going to go down that road then he needs to not be such a little bitch when people sling it back at him.

    I think it's something different, I think this is a person who is used to speak his mind, someone who has trouble not too. I don;t think he's media trained, and has trouble communicating effectively. I think the outburst is telling and symptomatic. I know because I used to respond very similarly under pressure. And in my case it wasn't ill will, but a lack of inhibitions. I couldn't not say my mind, and not everyone took that with grace.


    You see rudeness, I see honesty. Tactless, maybe, but not malicious.


    "Suck my ****. Choke on it."


    That's some real honesty.

  9. Fish completely brought this upon himself because no one knew about him (and thus no one cared to antagonize him) before he started acting like a giant douche in the movie, at cons, on twitter, etc. He did it to get publicity to generate hype for his game and it worked, but when it came time to reap what he'd sown he started to cry about being a victim and how everyone was mean to him.


    The way I see it if he wants to sling **** for publicity then whatever, but if he's going to go down that road then he needs to not be such a little bitch when people sling it back at him.



    The way I see it he's a personality (which even mainstream media has).


    Not everyone has to be C-SPAN.



    Alex Jones is a personality as well.  Doesn't mean I think he's a positive contribution to anything.


    Much like how Beer tells Fish that he "can't have it both ways," I say the same about Beer.  Going and crying about it when a source isn't giving you the sound byte that you'd like, and then threatening to blacklist said source as a consequence (while taking credit for said source's success) is quite an Alex Jones type thing to do.


    Beer is a personality, but at some point he needs to step out of said personality.  I am wondering if a part of the problem is that he's so used to be "AnnoyedGamer" that he takes on the persona more than he should.



    I think the issue was more about how they said no. Beer himself said that if Fish and Blow had just replied with a "no comment" he'd have been fine, but instead they decided to bitch on twitter about being asked.



    I understand this, but with journalism (gaming or otherwise) coming under more scrutiny, I'd expect a bit more effort to not come across as ostensibly pouty.  I think it's a bit more telling in that "game journalists" are a bit more clearly "just some regular guy that happened to get picked up to talk about games."  His grievances become difficult to filter away from your average youtube commenter, which is not something I would consider a positive trait.



    The way I see it he's a personality (which even mainstream media has).


    Not everyone has to be C-SPAN.

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