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Posts posted by Falelorn

  1. In update 28 they talk about how they are making a spreadsheet on the break down of the funding and where all the money is planned to go. 1. as a backer i think we should get to see this breakdown. and 2. more importantly i just think it would be interesting to see where 4.1 million goes into making a game as epic as this. Its an insight that most consumers dont get to see. Kind of an inside look on things


    What do you guys think


    It is a horrible idea. OE does not need 75k (or how many backers there was) micromanaging and commenting on when they are the experts and need to work on the game.

  2. I personally would like to see updates every two weeks in the form of a quick write up or even a picture of a new area or concept art... the update need not be PE related either but in the form of just something funny at the office. But these updates keep the backers happy that the game is being worked on (which I know it will, but some will want constant updates) and that there are no problems.

  3. I enjoy romances in my RPG's and MMORPG's (if done well) and I hope PE has them. I also hope they have Gay and Lesbian romances for those who wish to go that way. I have friends (both Gay and Lesbian) who only came to game because of BioWare's Mass Effect/Dragon Age series, those relationships were simple, but at least it showed the game industry noticed that not everyone in the world is straight...

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