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Everything posted by Lilarcor

  1. As far as sound goes, i haven't experienced any kind of sound problems yet. I get music, ambient, effects and combat sounds just fine. Nevertheless, i am seeing other people on the forums that have. Try and tamper with your sound settings in the options menu, like change things around and move the sliders, and see if that helps at all.
  2. Well i have an update. In the starting area, my character didn't have a portrait. Not did he have a portrait during character creation as well. The first (tutorial) companion, Calisca, had a portrait just fine. Now that i have reached the Gilded Vale, met Aloth, and had him join me, he doesn't have a portrait either. Here are 2 screenshots showing the problem.
  3. Same issue as the OP. During character creation, all portraits are a red question mark with a white background. In-game, its still like that, but just for the player character.
  4. The Backer Beta will be held on Steam and nowhere else.
  5. Here is the footage from Gamescom 2014. It is new never before seen stuff from the Backer Beta! Can't wait to test it out!
  6. Yes, you. You say that Dragon Age 2 is a bad game and i completely agree with that. You also say that the XP mechanic is bad. If you say that the XP mechanic is bad, then you pretty much say that all of the old good rpg's are bad since they all use it. Bloodlines and Deus Ex are a completely different category of games and are not that much comparable to BG, ID or Fallout. While their mechanic is also good, it doesn't belong to the IE games from 15ish years ago. The whole point Obsidian is trying to make is to stay true to the old good mechanics as much as possible, upgrade them, and add a new world, story, lore, graphics to the mix.
  7. That just sucks. I hope they don't back out just because some people don't like it. Don't turn this in a Dragon Age 2 please where "fan feedback" made the game suck beyond reason... Oh, so you're saying that Baldur's Gate, Fallout and Icewind Dale are bad games? I can tell you right now that those games use the system they are hinting that they will use for Project Eternity. Or maybe you haven't played any of those... The main factor in having such a XP mechanic in place is, like they said in that post, balance.
  8. I vote against. I played Bloodlines a few times and i have experienced both mechanics. I would prefer to see a system that goes more down the Baldur's Gate line, but with some improvements or changes added. Baldur's Gate series has a system that rewards both quest/objective completion and killing hostiles. Granted, killing rewards you with much less XP points than completing quests, but still it was there. "Boss" or stronger hostile fights granted more XP, but never more then actually doing what the game is telling you to do. Also, i might add that you couldn't go anywhere and fight anyone you please, and thus gain huge amounts of XP points, because the game was so well balanced that most of the fights were a real challenge even later on in the game, when you start encountering Bathezu and Demi-lich for an example. In the end, i think this poll is just about personal preference really. Mine is to stay true to the best rpg's they once made.
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