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About Night

  • Rank
    Winter of the Obsidian Order
    (0) Nub


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. I hope it's been noticed before but Obsidian Order abbreviated is OO almost the sign of infinity and isn't this why 8$ was chosen?
  2. Thanks for answering both of you. You can change your KS name by editing your profile there. It's separate from the forums here. I know that they're separate but I was wondering if I needed a permission or something. I guess, now that I look at it, I wasn't clear at all.
  3. Just raised my pledge by 8$ (and also I just registered here ). I want the title Winter of the Obsidian Order. Do I get to change my KS name now or when the title is added here? Or is it independent?
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