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About Sparky

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  1. Its Been a while since i've been on the forums...and i did a search but all the threads were made back in feb. on this subject. Has any one been able to get this game to work on the Radeon 7500? and yes i know this game doesn't support that card, so please don't bother posting that the card is not supported. And that doesn't mean people haven't tried to get it to run. Sparky
  2. What i don't understand is, if you are not going to be playing as Revan, What does it matter how or what you did in Kotor? Unless you are playing as Revan in disquise, or it somehow effects the storyline. Just my thoughts
  3. in the FAQ it says Will I start of with force powers and a lightsaber? No. Although there is no need for training, being in exile has left you out of touch with the force. As you progress though the game, you strength in the force grows stronger and you acquire a light saber. In Kotor II will you have a choice of which type of lightsaber you build (if you build it) ? Becouse it was a little annoying when i spent my feats on "Two Weapon Fighting" and had to wait till i killed a sith to get my second Lightsaber. Sparky
  4. sorry if this was stated before, but what are the System Requirements be for Kotor II?
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