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About Retaliation

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  1. So if belief is the maker of the planes then atheists threaten everything with their questioning, can we kill the heretics then? Well first of all if you're on a plane and an atheist threatens to unmake the plane by not believing in it I think you're within your right as a passenger to smite him . At most the atheists would unmake the gods, and that depends on if gods are created by belief/emotions or exist naturally. It seems to me though that the "sparked by faith" might be more of a method by which a person with a weaker connection with magic may access it, albeit probably with the limitation of only being able to use magic that jives with that faith. It also could somewhat ironically give atheist "priests" the ability to use their faith that gods are not divine to do the same. Incidentally if belief does make gods then the answer to the thread is yes. You would just have to convince an overwhelming majority of the populations that gods do not exist and what they think are gods are merely a collective illusion. Not nearly as simple as creating the Sword of Godly Stabbing, and makes becoming a god something that lets the unclean masses and rowdy priests kill "you" with made up myths.
  2. I had a scary BSN flashback when I wandered in here. Someone please hold me. I don't think modern notions of "atheism" have any place in a pre-modern setting, especially one where the gods are active, involved, meddlers who interact with the world. Hating gods, sure. Losing your faith in your god, and not identifying with any of them, also sure. But strong denial that any form of divinity exists whatsoever, when these divines are active in the world, has about as much place in such a setting as magical Facebook pages and pantomime Kardashians. As for if they should get killed for XPs, I'd say only as the potential end boss of the game, on the scale of the final battle in BG2:ToB. Atheism can exist in a setting like this. It just requires a shift from "divine entity does not exist" to "entity is not actually divine".
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