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Posts posted by Agelico

  1. I've upped my pledge as soon as I read about that stretch goal. And not for the add-ons (I don't want any of those... probably because most of them are already included in my tier :yes:), but because oh how I wish George Ziets worked on Project Eternity! Mask of the Betrayer is one of my favourite games, if not the most favourite.


    My card doesn't share my enthusiasm though :ermm:

  2. I feel I'll miss this Kickstarter campaign a great deal when it ends. It so happens that the first opportunity I have to read the update is when I get to my work place due to the time difference, and it makes my morning and the following day brighter. Like my personal holiday everyday this month.


    So I'll join AGX-17 and all the other people who said it before me:

    No, thank YOU, Josh Sawyer. THANK YOU and everyone else at Obsidian for all this.

  3. It shouldn't be a dog, that's too common.

    If it's not a dog, then we're entering familiar territory. People wanting different animals for different reasons. People will wants cats for sneaky characters, dragons for powerful characters, spiders for evil characters, etc.


    The only solution is something thematic or something original. Like an unbound fractured soul. This little blue thing that floats around.

    THAT is the most reasonable thing to my mind. Because, you know, cats-rats-birds-dragons-talking_foodstuff is too specific. Giving options? That's too much to ask, and not quite fair concerning lower-level pledgers and those who'll miss Kickstarter. As a maximum — we could customize the colour of that floating thing, maybe it even could have some meaning, without affecting actual gameplay though, and that's that.

  4. Hi Agelico


    Glad to have you in Obsidian Order and with the Ciphers!

    Let's bend more souls and minds to back Project:Eternity :devil:

    Hello to you too, First Cipher :)


    And I'm glad to be here... well, will be, after the update (oh please don't forget about me and don't make me play tricks with your souls muahahaha... just kidding... maybe :devil: )

    Bend more souls you say... That's... a great idea. I even have a plan of sorts, but for it to work I need to know who is that distributor who'll make russian translation for PE. Disturbing question really.

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