Big dungeon would be nice
But it would be cool if it had sevral uses, so stealthers might have secret passages to sneak around in, miners might be able to reach new spotts etc and it wasnt just for hack and slash but had some crafting quests mayby reclaiming controll quests for outposts with teleport or other ways of reaching once secured
And of course the few outcrops of tunnels swarming with enemys and some mega bosses and mayby even a forgotten dwarfen/goblin/troll etc city
One think i would like to see if not allready covered by the 2,4 Stretchgoal is Subcrafts
When i say subcrafts i mean like a blacksmith could take apart armour he/she recovers for parts to make new armour/fix up , Miners might be able to resmelt and get ingots/nuggets of armour/wepon metal by smelting it down
Goldsmiths could have ability to make threads of fine metals etc,
I hate games where i got tons of craft skill but somehow im unable to reclaim anything from armour ive gathered and must instead sell it to npc
And on that note i would like to ask if we could get a quest for a endless bag, with that i mean something like the jug/horn that thor in norse myth was drinking from that was really connected to a lake.
Would be cool if i had a magic bag once i got my house that i could bind to a storage room so that all the junk i gather just magicaly falls into it for some retainer at my house to then sort and and put in availible storage at my house while im running around killing/looting/gathering down in endless dungueons and such.
It can be a oneway bag to toss stuff i dont need right now a bit later in game and u could even add dialog to poor retainer as i gather a lot of junk etc to have them complain/praise/be amazed/steal
Other then that i liked the Sea expansion idea and generaly just add more off evrything , if u feel the current funding is enough to fully flesh out current region add a stretch for a new one, add more classes/cross classes -
Languages dosnt matter to me although im not native english speaking but i get that to some regions english isnt as common as its here, so mayby some add for russian/italian/turkish or just a mod kit for translating the scripts for fanbase would be ok, a lot of people do film/comics translations allready for the less spoken languages on a web fanbase modell
that could be a nice stretch goal as well as get people more involved in the game in those regions.
As far as collectiable stretch goals goes it isnt for me, but i know a lot of people would like it so mayby more collectables special tiers for those at 25$ but who cant go all up to 100$
overall id like you to go for what u have imagined and want to make, if u get someone that fanbase want you to join in making the game it's all fine as long as it does not derail u from your original plan, wouldnt want fanbase to become the new publisher telling you to add zombie/Arpg elementh's/Fps elementh etc
Personally i think 3 million is allready in the box and strethgoals should reflect that by trying to reach beyond.