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Posts posted by Amarantha

  1. Hey,


    So basically I'm in front of the statue in the Old City Overlook, I start the scripted event and pass both a Perception (music) and Survival (bones) check, but when I select the option to dive, the event ends and nothing happens but the camera centering on the statue.

    No clue what to do to bypass this, as I've already tried reloading an earlier save and event restarting the game.

  2. I want to thank everybody working at Obsidian who helped create PoE.


    I've been waiting for such a game for so many years, to know that finally my waiting is at an end is a feeling I can't really describe. Suffice to say, the hype is real and I am looking forward to being in front of my computer tomorrow when the game unlocks. :w00t:

    I only have one request for you guys, please keep on rolling out patches as often as you have during the beta because that's part of what makes for a great gaming experience, having bugs fixed in a timely fashion.


    Once again, thanks from the bottom of my heart Obsidian :wub:

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  3. Tbh I'm more worried about the "Shipping soon!" note near my signed CE when I look at my pledges than about not having my digital key yet. The later Obsidian can decide to release at any time of their choosing before the deadline that is release day, as for the former it still has to cross an ocean to get here and I'm fairly sure that takes more time.


    So why are you guys bitching about digital keys that you know you'll have before release? Obsidian has stated many times already that we will be able to play the game the second it is released because we'll be able to preload it. If like me you backed the kickstarter, then wtf? I mean you waited this long, a few more hours ain't gonna kill you...

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  4. I just hope that you aren't forced to be the good guy, or a good guy who happens to do a lot of bad things but ultimately saves everyone.


    What if I want to take over the world with forbidden magic? An evil ending lets you take the plot in different and interesting directions, allowing the exploration of more sophisticated literary themes and potentially doubling the replayability.




    Been waiting for years for a true RPG giving me the option to play an evil character and roleplay him/her the way I like instead of being forced down one path.

    I really hope Project Eternity is it.

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